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Statistical Focus on Violence Against Women
 | Since November 1988, thirteen women have been murdered in Nova
Scotia. Five women have survived attempted murders.
 | In Canada, an average of 100 women each year are murdered by their
male partners or ex-partners.
 | 62% of all women murdered are victims of domestic violence.
 | At least 1 in 10 women is battered by her male partner; almost half
of them sustain serious physical injuries.
 | A Canadian woman is raped every 17 minutes.
 | 84% of sexual assaults are by someone known to the victim.
 | 90% of sexual assaults involve female victims; 99% of perpetrators
are male.
 | Almost half of ail women with disabilities have been sexually
abused as children, and one in four has been sexually assaulted as an adult.
 | 27,000 sexual assaults were reported to Canadian police in 1990,
almost double the 1984 figure.
 | 80% of women in the labour force have experienced sexual harassment
at some time in their working lives.
 | Murder is the number one cause of workplace deaths for women.
 | 80% of women incarcerated under federal jurisdiction have a history
of physical or sexual abuse.
 | Wear a Purple Ribbon
 | Other statistics
from the Canadian Council on the Status of Women |
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