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The Political

The majority of men are not physically violent against women. But we live in a society that raises men to believe that aggression and violence are acceptable forms of self-expression. Young boys are encouraged to demonstrate strength and dominance rather than empathetic, caring, and nurturing attributes characteristics that are devalued and seen as "feminine." We forget that the strongest people are actually the most self-aware and caring. Socializing processes teach men to equate masculinity with power and urges them to try to control others who have less power. As a result, some men learn to express their masculinity by using verbal or physical violence against women or other men.

What can men do who are not violent? How can we help end violence?

Ending Sexism

bulletChallenging Sexism 

Working For Social Justice

bulletOrganizing Online with Idealist.Org
bulletPublic Outreach Initiatives
bulletHow to Get Involved in Social Action

Help for Friends

bulletHelp for Friends
bulletMaking Changes a Book for Women Leaving Abusive Relationships
bulletAbusters: The Media Foundation
bulletMedia Awareness Network

Violence Prevention Organizations

bulletCommunities Against Violence Network (CAVNET)
bulletWomen And Children United Against Family Violence

Violence Prevention Campaigns

bulletThe Stylus is Mightier than the Claymore
bulletFamily Violence Prevention Fund
bulletUnderstanding Violence in Relationships
bulletWhat Every Man Can Do to End Violence
bulletPurple Ribbon Campaign
bulletWhite Ribbon Campaign

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