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Men For Change Public Outreach Initiatives

We have:

bullet Developed a curriculum for the schools (Healthy Relationships: A Violence -Prevention Curriculum)
bullet Hosted monthly film and discussion series with the National Film Board that addressed a variety of gender justice issues
bullet Lobbied government to fund Project New Start and other programs that counsel men who abuse women
bullet Participated in a three part series entitled "Changing Men" with the Halifax City Regional Library

We are:

bullet Facilitating workshops for teachers and students using Healthy Relationships: A Violence-Prevention Curriculum
bullet Sharing our stories and vision with others in public schools, universities, community organizations, and at public events
bullet Speaking out in the media with our perspective on violence and sexism
bullet Compiling and sharing literature and audio-visual resources on men's issues
bullet Facilitating a monthly forum for men to gather to discuss issues (Meeting held every THIRD Tuesday of the month, 7 pm, at 5500 Inglis Street at the Unitarian Church) Phone 492-4104 for more information

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