
Provisioning the Switch
This appendix provides the information necessary for properly provisioning a switch for T1 access, T1 PRI access, E1 access, E1 PRI access and ISDN BRI access to the WAN. This appendix covers these topics:
Provisioning the switch for T1 access
If you use an inband signaling line, the T1 circuit at the Point-of-Presence (POP) must support the translations listed in Table A-1 for compatibility with the MAX.
Four-state A bit signaling, four-state B bit signaling, and pulse dialing are not supported; however, lines using these types of signaling are passed through transparently when the MAX performs drop-and-insert between lines #1 and #2.
For further information on wink-start and inband signaling, see the description of the Rob Ctl parameter in the MAX Reference Guide.
Provisioning the switch for T1 PRI access
Request the following information from your WAN provider about your WAN interface:
- Whether the line uses inband or ISDN D-channel signaling
- Whether the line uses B8ZS or AMI line encoding
- Whether the line uses ESF or D4 framing
- Each phone number assigned to the line on a channel-by-channel or service-by-service basis
- The number of nailed-up channels, if any
- The number of unused channels, if any
- The types of call-by-call services (also called NSF identifiers) on the switched channels
- Whether the line uses B channel, H0 channel, or H11 channel provisioning
- The D-channel assignment
- The NFAS ID number (if the T1 PRI line is provisioned for NFAS)
Keep this additional information in mind:
What you need from your E1/PRI service provider
You need the following information from your E1/PRI service provider:
- The phone numbers assigned to your E1/PRI interface, channel-by-channel
- Nailed-up channels (also called private WAN), if any
- Unused channels, if any
- Switch type (or emulation)-DPNSS only
- Switch layers 2 and 3 configuration-DASS 2 and DPNSS only (A/B end, X/Y end)
- Rate adaption protocol-DASS 2 and DPNSS only (X.30 and V.110)
Note: The MAX can receive multichannel calls using Combinet or MP encapsulation only if
all channels of the call share a common phone number (namely, a hunt group). You can request
that your service provider supply you with a hunt group.
Supported WAN switched services
The MAX E1 PRI supports the following WAN switched services:
- 56 kbps and 64 kbps data services
- GloBanD (and GVPN in CCITT countries) PRI network services-multiples of 64 kbps
When ordering a data service, make sure it is available end-to-end. Otherwise, the data carried by the call will be corrupted or the carrier will reject the call. For example, a GloBanD 512 kbps call made at a PRI interface is rejected when the called end is BRI, because GloBanD does not support BRI.
Provisioning the switch for ISDN BRI access
The tables that follow supply provisioning information for the ISDN BRI interface when a Net/BRI module (MX-SL-8BRIN) is installed. These requirements vary by switch type. Table A-2 provides information for AT&T 5ESS® switches operating in Point-to-Point (PTP), Multi-Point (MP), or National ISDN-1 (NI-1) mode.
Table A-3 provides provisioning information for Northern Telecom switches.
Note: The MAX can receive multichannel calls using Combinet or MP encapsulation only if
all channels of the call share a common phone number (namely, a hunt group). You can request
that your service provider supply you with a hunt group.
Information required from the ISDN BRI provider
If a Net/BRI module (MX-SL-8BRIN) is installed, your ISDN BRI provider must provide you with the following information:
- The phone number assigned to your ISDN BRI line.
- The SPIDs assigned to your ISDN BRI line (for lines running in any mode other than AT&T Point-to-Point)
- Which channels are nailed up or unused, if any
SPIDs for AT&T 5ESS switches
If your ISDN BRI line comes from an AT&T 5ESS switch operating in Multi-Point (MP) or National ISDN-1 (NI-1) mode, each SPID has the following format:
For example, suppose that 555-1212 is the 7-digit phone number of an ISDN BRI line using Multi-Point mode. The telephone company gives you the following SPID:
Now, suppose that 555-6001 and 555-6002 are the 7-digit phone numbers of an ISDN BRI line using NI-1 mode. You choose TID=00 for both numbers and the telephone company gives you the following SPIDs:
If your ISDN BRI line operates in Point-to-Point (PTP) mode, SPIDs are not required.
SPIDs for Northern Telecom DMS-100 switches
If your ISDN BRI line comes from a Northern Telecom (NTI DMS-100) switch, each SPID has the following format:
For example, suppose you are using Northern Telecom in NTI Custom mode [PVC=1]). 415-555-1212 is the phone number of your ISDN BRI line, including the area code. The telephone company gives you the following SPID:
Now, suppose you are using Northern Telecom in NI-1 mode [PVC=2]). 510-555-6001 and 510-555-6002 are the phone numbers of your ISDN BRI line. You choose TID=00 for both numbers and the telephone company gives you the following SPIDs:

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