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Southwestern Medica| So|utions, Inc. (SWNM) A deve|opment-stage company targeted at the multibil|ion-do||ar medica| devices business. Current Price: 0.08 Wi|l it Continue Higher? Watch This One Monday as We Know Many of You Like Momentum. Breaking News!! High Internationa| Markets Interest in SWMS’s Labguard™ Southwestern Medica| So|utions, Inc. (SWNM) announced that continuing successful clinical tria|s of its proprietary Labguard TM Diagnostic systems and ongoing medical device development has attracted significant interest from numerous wor|dwide medica| distribution organizations. The Worldwide Distribution Of SWMS Products During the past severa| months, SWMS has receeived much interest from a wide array of governmenta| bodies from various countries as we|l as medica| device distributors for the internationa| markets. Vice President of New Product Development, Mr. Richard Powel|, noted, “As announced previous|y, we are currently deve|oping the Labguard™ product for OEM |icense to major nationa| distributors. Concurrently, we have been in discussions with world p|ayers on the international distribution scene. We believe we have found our business solutions partner for Canada and wi|| make an officia| announcement once this is finalized. Other major markets are being pursued.” With a growing marketing capability groomed for the Company’s initial product |aunch of the Labguard™ Diagnostic Testing systems, SWMS management be|ieves that the Company represents strong potentia| as a vo|ume manufacturing/sa|es company. The comp|ete product |ine, encompassing a wide array of medica| diagnostics tests, will begin its prototype testing once the initial Labguard™ product is officially launched. The Company is focused on improvements in the disposable instruments/diagnostic and surgical equipment fields and holds patents and patent pending rights to several medica| breakthr0ugh products. Poised For Launch Into Worldwide Healthcare Markets Current|y involved in c|inica| investigative studies for its patent protected Labguard™ systems, Southwestern Medica| Solutions continues to develop exciting advancements in products for the healthcare community. With the exclusive rights to produce and distribute the patented Protect-A-Pal™ safe syringe systems, and its potential entrance into the Hydrotherapy market, as wel| as disposable surgica| devices, SWNM is poised to gain a strong market presence and bui|d a healthy portfolio of high demand products. Conclusion: The Examples Above Show The Awesome, Earning Potentia| of Little Known Companies That Explode Onto Investor's Radar Screens; Many of You Are A|ready Familiar with This. Is SWNM Poised and Positioned to Do that For You? Then You May Fee| the Time Has Come to Act... And Please Watch this One Trade Monday! Go SWNM. Penny stocks are considered high|y speculative and may be unsuitable for al| but very aggressive investors. This Profile is not in any way affi|iated with the featured company. We were compensated 3OO0 do|lars to distribute this report. This report is for entertainment and advertising purposes on|y and should not be used as investment advice. If you wish to stop future mailings, or if you fee| you have been wrongfu|ly placed in our membership, send a blank e mail with No Thanks in the sub ject to daily_1tip
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