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<html> <HEAD> </HEAD> <body><p> <SPAN style="display:none">Instead of reporting on how it damaged peoples lives I became one of thoise folks. We had a huge tree crash ont our roof, So I have been Busy getting everything back to normal. It took a few days to get the tree completely cut down and removed now I am going round and round with the city to come pick up the debris for me, BUT it seems since mine was the ONLY house to have damage there is not enough damage in my area to warrant a special pick-up. Even thought they said they would at one point. Now I am fighting city hall and my neighborhood association who want to give me a ticket for disregarding the deed restrictions.7 smythe They are still pouring the Saline and several kinds of antibiotics in me...ughhhh...Another nurse come ins and hands me a little something to drink, two vials of weird tasting stuff. She informed me it is a dye so the scan can see my intestines. I take it and relax.7</SPAN><br><img src="" border="0"></p> <p> <SPAN style="display:none">We finally came home some time after 5, much to that aggravation of H2. He had to babysit while we were away..OOOOOPPPPS...oOh well he will get over it.7 remitting. In the past, I've focussed my creative energies on generating whole work. A painting worth framing in my home. An article to be published and read. Although I kept a journal faithfully for years when I was younger, I got out of the habit. I'm now missing the valuable catharsis of that activity. Brining it back in print hasn't been effective. I'm optimistic about engaging with the eccentric and introspective world of blogging.7 I found blood in the tub, I was mad and so was B. she called the desk to ask them to send a cleaning crew up or the manager on duty s they can look at it. The desk told us he was the only one there and could not do a thing not even leave the desk to come verify the blood for us. B looked at me and said now what, I told her to have him give us our money back and we went across the street to the Ramada. It was a very nice room and the weekend went great, so great that neither of us wanted to come home but alas there are bills due and a job to go to.5 <P> B turned on Nascar to watch, Now I like nascar some BUT I am not a die hard fan like B and H2. I got bored SO went out and mowed the lawn. We ate dinner got the kids in bed and crashed ourselves. So much for a Wild weekend.7 Since around age 18 to present day, I have had dreams about being pregnant, giving birth and caring for small infants. Some are bland, yet lucid, others are surreal, half-remembered. Rooted in the knowledge that both biological clocks (for puberty, waking up, etc.) and dreams consist of electrochemical activity in the brain, I suggested that dreams about babies could be a by-product, not of a repressed subconcious desire to procreate, but of interacting impulses in a woman's grey matter. My theory requires the concession that another theory about a female reproductive biological clock actually exists - not proven as far as I know. I'm not a neuropsychologist or scientist or any other professional interested in gathering empirical data so the theory died with that paper. But I remember it every time I have a baby dream - like I did last night.7 Aurelio</SPAN> </p><br> <br>
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