lord of gandharvas (celestial musicians) rules the East.
lord of the monstrous kumbhandas rules the South.
(the s is pronounced differently)
lord of the Nagas rules the West.
lord of yaksa demigods rules the North.
Also known as Kuvera, lord of wealth.
He carries a jewel-spitting mongoose.
Living on the lower slopes of Mount Meru,
watching over mundane aspects of this world
and guarding those higher up Mount Meru
from attacks by the Asuras.
The apsaras goddesses also live here.
This state is achieved by not aspiring
for selfish happiness or goods or
exulting in their possession.

Click the prayer wheel
and accept your karma!
You might
1= go to The Heaven of the Thirty-three
2= go to The Southern Continent
3= go to Bon
4= go to The Western Continent
5= become A Hungry Ghost
6= become Reviving Hell