The term "tar" as a nickname for mariners goes back to at least the
1600s. It was clearly used in this period to refer to sailors most likely
because of their tarpoulin hats (hats made of canvas soaked in tar) as
well as the tar worn on hands and in the hair from the days when tar was
used everywhere on ships to preserve rigging and seal seams.
It also had a political connotation meaning working sailors as opposed to
gentlemen sailors. The term was shortened to tars as years went on. Sometime in
the 1700s it was combined with "Jack", a traditional generic term for a
working man to make "Jack Tar" meaning a working mariner. It was sometimes
used in a derogatory way to stereotype crude sailor behaviour and in some
places had a racial connotation connected to black skin colour. However it
is most commonly known as a fond and often proud way to describe a seasoned
working sailor. There are a number of good books about this: Gentlemen
and Tarpoulins and Jack Tar in History. I use it as my e-mail
name because I like the tradition!
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Feb. 14, 2000