(Image Left: RB Logo)


Worked by

Here are businesses or organizations for which Richard
designed, and/or directed, and/or operated the lighting,
and/or special effects, and/or provided other services.
He worked for them directly, or indirectly via other clients.

Some were complete productions; others were trade shows or
commercial product or company introductions. The balance were
static displays, or smaller setups and presentations which may or
may not have been part of a larger exhibition. Please realise that
Richard has worked for many of these clients on multiple occasions.

Dance companies and organisations
are covered elsewhere under
Dancers, Companies & Competitions

All are listed in STRICT
alphabetical order (excluding
articles), even for proper names.

Allied Beauty Association

Bank of Montreal
Bank of Nova Scotia
Bluenose Flying Club
Brookes Diamond Productions

CanTel Communications
Citadel Boxing Club
Conjurer's Court
(International Brotherhood
of Magicians Ring 316)

Creative Kids Education Centre

Empire Theatres

Facade International

Gospel Trails

Halifax Computer Club
Halifax Magic Club

LaBatts Brewers
The Legal Information Society
of Nova Scotia

MAGICMINDS Productions
Maritime Beauty

Maritime Business Academy
Maritime Museum of the Atlantic
Millennium Productions
Mills Brothers Clothiers
Moosehead Brewers
Mount St. Vincent Art Gallery
Museum of Natural History

Nova Scotia Art Gallery

Opera Nova Scotia

Ruby Dee Clothier

Steele Wheels Motor Museum
Sport Nova Scotia

Telecommunications Applications
Research Alliance      
Toronto Dominion Bank
Tourism Nova Scotia
Tuxedo Palace

Warner Brothers Canada
Wayne Grund Stylists

Yodi Originals

Here are companies, trade shows, or other
for which Richard did lighting design
and/or direction, and/or audio, or
provided other services, as a
subcontractee to an artist,
commercial entity,
or promoter.

APEX Food Fair

Dann Matlack (Matrix)

Downtown Truro Partnership

Enterprise Car Rentals

L'Oreal Hair Products

Martin Parsons

New Brunswick Power
    (Point Lepreau)

Nova Scotia College of
Art and Design    

Nova Scotia      
International Airshow

Shur Gain        

Var Away Merisel  
Computer Systems

Wells Fargo       


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