This Web Site is built in dedication to the Chevrolet Chevette, produced between 1976 through 1987. The Chevettes, dead and alive have touched the lives of well over a million people in Canada and the U.S. I'm providing some occasionally hard to find for free technical info ("who cares") and a gateway to Chevette web pages around the world. Betcha never heard of a "Vauxhall Chevette" Huh.

   This is a pic of the First Car I drove on the streets, albeit not legally. It was a 1987 Chevette that was owned by Wayne Marcotte for 9 years.
In November 1998, the car was taken off the road for rust reasons. I kept it going 'till sept 4th 1999, then took the engine back out. It had the CancerWagon's engine at that time. This car Was known as "Betsy" and would just not die. After killing it, taking it apart, and junking it, I can't just let the Memories Rot with the chassis. So thats why I created This Web Site. In Februay 2000, 'twas hauled away by RDM Recycling, (Nicolson's auto disposal), Crushed, and smelted into a new car. Somedays I just wonder where and what it is now...


Want to know exactly WHY this car was "scrap metal" according to a 'Offical motor vehicle inspection station' It looked ok... But underneath to quote Vincent Price "The funk of fourty thouand years." (of rust)


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