About Ben

Welcome to BEN's WEB

Family What's New?
As usual, never enough time to keep this site up to date - but I am back to workin on it again. This time I am looking at our most recent expedition to the far side of Canada (my second and Nancy's fourth or fifth or ???) Once again the motivation is our expanding family. Aidan, born early last November, is doing well and his big sister, Emma (two years older), is so happy and full of energy that I often find it difficult to keep up with her.

For now, they take top priority on this website.

Second priority will be something that does not become "stale dated" so quickly when I let things slide here for a few weeks (or sometimes months).
Suggestions will be welcome and all will be considered. Possible new front page topics might be anything from old Fullerton family photos to my thoughts on the decline of intelligent thought in the setting of various value standards of "first world" countries.

I have an generous supply of both!

Please refer to my COPYRIGHT Notice if you are interested in using any content of this website.
Thought for year round:
While the environment is not the hottest topic here just now, it is certainly a "year round" matter which should be of some concern to everyone - as we are all affected to some extent.
While some aspects do eventually become 'stale', the overall problem requires increasing attention to prevent it from becoming a major world disaster.   ....... but more about that some other time.

As most political topics are controversial (and politics is a major key in environmental concerns) - please give some careful thought to any of my opinions before responding - here or elsewhere.

I reserve the right to include or exclude any responses, in whole or in part, here on my website UNLESS SPECIFICALLY ASKED NOT TO USE THEM.

As I See It,


Content Description

[or "What can be found with the pagetop and sidebar buttons"]

The top [my name] bar will take you to an overview of how some of my "discretionary time" has been spent over the years - what might be called "Community Involvement". It may be more defining than my employment overview, which is found through the [occupations] button.

The [Family] button had been removed but is now back again.
It will, eventually, take you to pages of information and photos of ancestors as well as current generations of the Fullerton family. For now it contains only the branch that Nancy and I - and our descendants - roost on. The "lower trunk" of the "family tree" (the narrow part) will initially be my parents. Nancy's parents will be added as soon as the Fullertons are under control - and both will branch (or root) out from there. Once our grandchildren are given proper space the focus will be on the past.

[Occupations] will, for anyone who cares, provide background on the things I have done to support first myself and then my family - from the time that I first entered the workforce until I took early retirement.

[Hobbies] fill in a third dimension (to combine with Community involvement and Employment) that define who and what I have been and am. They have been many and varied.

[Vehicles] have been given a category by themselves - to prevent them from dominating all three of the above categories. For most of my adult life they have been either my occupation or one of my two principal hobbies and were of interest since early childhood. They also have been many and varied.

[As I See It] will attempt to fill in what seems, appropriately, to be a fourth dimension of my life. I have an opinion on just about everything that I have come in contact with, both physically and mentally. Some of those opinions are shared here.

[Links] Yes, finally, we come to the part of this website which is neither introspective nor autobiographical - except for whatever the visitor might read into my choices of links to include here. I leave that to you.

There is a shorter list of links below, partly for my own convenience, and they are some of the ones I most often use.
Please let me know which, if any, do not work so that I can make corrections.

    1. New England Journal of Medicine On-line - Home Page
    2. RxList - The Internet Drug Index
    3. ISGNAS
    1. Html Code Lab - Free Internet Tutorials and lessons
    2. A few scanning tips - scanner basics 101
    2. Finance Canada (Engl.)
    3. Revenue Canada
    4. Halifax Regional Municipality
    5. Maritime Telegraph And Telephone
    6. Nova Scotia Power
    7. Relativity and FTL Travel
    8. Visits

    Comments on this website will be welcomed, including any links and other things that no longer work.
    Pleasesend me a note if you have any suggestions.
    (NOTE: the "ab" that comes immediately after "@" to fix my e-mail address. It reduces spam - I hope!)