Date |
Title |
Details |
Contact |
March 31 |
Petite Riviere Bridgewater |
12 Km-Whitewater |
Robert Todd 902-543-8028 |
May 12/01 |
Annapolis River Middleton |
12 km-Flatwater |
John Skaling 902-825-2589 |
May 26/01 |
PEI Red Cross Relay PEI |
Mtn_Bike,Run,Canoe,Road_Bike |
Red Cross 902-628-6262 |
June 09/01 |
Elmsdale Relay Elmsdale |
Mtn Bike,Run,Canoe
| Jodi Isenor 902-883-9629 |
June 16/01 |
Canoe to the Sea Dartmouth |
Flatwater |
Al Billard 902-449-0581 |
July 1/01 |
Mersey River Race Liverpool |
24 km-Flatwater |
Dave Lewis 902-354-4931 |
July 7/01 |
Nictaux Canal Middleton |
17 km-Flatwater |
John Skaling 902-825-2589 |
Aug 18/01 |
Sheet Hbr Relay Sheet Harbor |
| Mike Coady 902-885-2140 |
Aug 19/01 |
Enforcement Challenge New Glasgow |
Flatwater |
Harvey Stiles Rob McCaman 902-755-4141 902-485-4333 |
Aug 31/01 |
Classique de la Mauricie Shawinigan |
Flatwater |
Jean Marien 902-434-1240 |
Sept 8/01 |
Fred Lynch Dartmouth |
Flatwater |
Jean Marien 902-434-1240 |
Sept16/01 |
Diamond Man Halifax/Dartmouth |
Quadrathlon-run ,swim , paddle, bike |
Al Billard 902-449-0581 |
Sept22/01 |
PPP Relay Fall River |
Relay (Bike, Paddle, Run) |
Bruce Duffy 902-860-3591 |
Date |
Title |
Details |
Contact |
May 05 |
Meduxnekeg Canoe Race Woodstock, N.B. |
Flat Water, some fast W, Interval Start |
Grant Shaw Llew McCartney (506)272-2847 (506)328-9864 |
May 20-21 |
Westfield Canoe Race Grand Bay Westfield, NB |
Flat Water Sheltered 2 days of Racing Various Classes |
Mark MacDouga1l (506)738-8234 |
June 08-l0 (No_Points) |
Hartt Island Canoe Weekend Fredericton, NB |
FW, Sprints, C2, Cl, Rec., Cash Prizes |
Bob Matthews (506)459-3222 |
July 14-15 |
Hampton Canoe Race (Prov_Championships) Hampton, NB |
Flat Water, Sheltered. Shallows, Portage some_classes, 2_days_of_Racing |
Rafe Hooper (506)832-5142 |
Aug 04-06 (No_Points) |
Canadian Nationals Br>Selkirk, Manitoba |
Nancy Lovenajak (204)757-9447 |
August 11 |
Bucket to Boat Club Fredericton, NB |
Flat Water |
John Harper Ron Eddington (506)457-4581 (506)457-0268 |
Aug 25-26 |
St. Croix Canoe Race St. Stephen, NB |
Flat Water, 14 km, 2 days of Racing |
Gary MacDougall (506)466-3384 |
October 13 |
Frigid River Run Fredericton, NB |
Flat Water |
Bob Matthews (506)459-3222 |
NSMCRA Racing Regulations: Canoes & Kayaks
All canoes and kayaks involved in a Nova Scotia Marathon Canoe Racing Association (NSMCRA) Sanctioned Race must carry the following equipment :
- One Canadian approved pfd or lifejacket of proper size for each person on board.
- A soundsignalling device.
- Bailer or manual water pump.
- Spare paddle
- All canoes and kayaks must have an attached painter at least 3 meters in length.
NSMCRA Sanctioned Race Minimums
All NSMCRA sanctioned races must insure as a minimum the following conditions are adhered to:
- A starter and safety person must be present at the start of all races.
- A finish line judge and safety person must be present at the finish of all races.
- A course official must be present at all locations where problems of safety or race
improprieties could occur. This refers but is not limited to locations such as bouy turns, portages and' white water.
- Safety boats are required on large bodies of water where wind, waves, swell, or distance from shore could create a dangerous situation for racing canoes or kayaks.
- Communication devises are mandatory between designated officials and the chief
race official.
- A verified starting line up must be recorded for all race classes. All canoes or kayaks that start a race must have their completion times recorded. The status of all canoes that do not complete the race must be known by the chief race official. It is the responsibility of craft that drop out of any race to notify the chief official as soon as possible.
- All participants in NSMCRA sanctioned races must be members of the NSMCRA.
- All race participants must complete a race application form and read and sign a Standard Release Form for the race in question. All racers must attend the pre race meeting where the course will be reviewed.
- The race organizer must submit race results and NSMCRA membership fees to the
Secretary Treasurer of the NSMCRA within two (2) weeks of the race.