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Leadership taken by the District Municipality of Muskoka, Ontario
Examples of their Lake Carrying Capacities (1992)
Web page of the Soil & Water Conservation Society of Metro Halifax (SWCSMH)
July 26, 2006

d/ March 13, 1992 from Judi S. Brouse, M.A., M.C.I.P., Director of Long
Range Planning, The District Municipality of Muskoka:
![[Img- muskoka-1]](PIC/muskoka-1.jpg)
![[Img- muskoka-2]](PIC/muskoka-2.jpg)
Examples of Lake Carrying Capacity expressed in chlorophyll-a units and the associated controls on land development:
![[Img- muskoka-3]](PIC/muskoka-3.jpg)
![[Img- muskoka-4]](PIC/muskoka-4.jpg)
![[Img- muskoka-5]](PIC/muskoka-5.jpg)

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