Clan Campbell
Mayflower: Floral Emblem of New Scotland (Nova Scotia);
Click to enlarge [jpeg:18K]
Gaelic Name: Caimbeul, wry-mouth
-- from Gaelic Cam (wry) and beul (mouth)
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Origin of Clan Campbell
Chiefs and Chieftains of Clan Campbell
Origin of Name of Campbell
Clansfolk of Clan Campbell
Clan Campbell in the Military
Septs of Clan Campbell
Symbols of Clan Campbell
Houses of Clan Campbell
Clan Campbell Society - Nova Scotia
Dunblane Memorial
"A Pipers' Tribute to the Children and their teacher who died
Wednesday, 13 March 1996 in the Massacre at Dunblane Primary, Dunblane,
Scotland was organized on 13 April 1996 during the Bedford Indoor Meet, a
piping and drumming competition sponsored annually by Clan Campbell
Society - Nova Scotia. The competition is sanctioned by the Atlantic
Canada Pipe Band Association and is the first event on the competition
calendar each year."
A Nova Scotia Pipers' Tribute to the Children of Dunblane
Falls of Invarary, within Clan Campbell lands:
Click to enlarge [jpeg:24K]
To contact Clan Campbell Society -- Nova Scotia
= In Scotland =
Clan Campbell
Courtesy Electric Scotland: Grangemouth, Scotland
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