
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2012 16:09:27 -0300 (ADT)
From: "Andrew D. Wright" <awright@chebucto.ns.ca>
To: Pat and Malcolm Bayne <av227@chebucto.ns.ca>
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 	Hi Malcolm. You cannot convert one profile using POP3 into a 
profile using IMAP, you have to set up a new account from scratch.

 	As you know the G4 is no longer officially supported. I have one I 
use as a testing platform for Chebucto.

 	Both Firefox and Thunderbird have not been supported on G4 
platform for years now. Your current Firefox and Thunderbird should not be 
used as they are way behind in both security and features. Bad guys are 
still writing malware designed to run on G4 PowerPC CPUs so running old 
insecure software is not recommended and is not a good idea, period. Also 
the automatic Thunderbird setup I describe in the letter I wrote you below 
would not work on your early version of Thunderbird.

 	The good news is that there are people working on ports of the 
current secure Firefox and Thunderbird so you can use up-to-date safe 
software on your G4.

 	Tenfourfox is the PowerPC version of Firefox. I've used it for 
more than a year now and it is a good browser. The programmer who makes it 
keeps it updated as new security issues are uncovered. You can find it 
here, with versions for G3, G4 and G5 PowerPC Macs.


You can read the development blog for it here to get some idea of its 
future evolution:


 	There is another programmer who has built off the work of the 
Tenfourfox developer to make a G4 (and G3 and G5) version of Thunderbird 
called Tenfourbird.


 	I've tested this on my G4 and it works identically to the current 
Thunderbird and will use the account auto-setup just fine. I recommend 
switching over to it as soon as possible.

 	All you need to know is which type of G4 you have, the 7400 or the 
7450. You can find out how to tell that here:


On Wed, 18 Jul 2012, Pat and Malcolm Bayne wrote:

> Thanks Andrew. I have looked into my account settings and I don't see where I 
> would make the changes to IMAP. Also I don't see where I can change the time 
> out on POP3. I presume to do theauto set up as you outlined I would have to 
> be setting up t/bird from scratch.
> What do you have on the safety of using TenFourFox? I am having difficulties 
> upgrading browsers/e-mail software as I am using an Ibook G4
> I am using t/bird 3.1.19.
> Thanks,
> Malcolm
> On 13/07/12 4:16 PM, Andrew D. Wright wrote:
>> Hi Malcolm. This is POP timing out. When you make a POP3 connection the 
>> inbox gets locked so it can't be written to while you are downloading your 
>> mail. If the connection gets disrupted, our server will wait to get a 
>> response from your mail client and the mailbox remains locked for this 
>> time. If you try logging in again while the mailbox is locked the new 
>> process will say it can't get a lock.
>> There's a couple of suggestions for this problem. In order of 
>> effectiveness, they would be:
>> 1. Switch to IMAP instead of POP3. With IMAP you are accessing the mail 
>> directly on the server so there is no mailbox locking to contend with. IMAP 
>> also offers the advantage that you only download the contents of a large 
>> message when you want it and you can click on other email while it 
>> downloads. IMAP simply works better than POP3.
>> 2. If you are dedicated to POP3, go into your mail client settings and find 
>> a timout setting and set it to longer. Many mail clients by default will 
>> time out after thirty seconds and by setting the timeout to something like 
>> five minutes you decrease the chance of trying to access a mailbox locked 
>> by a stalled POP session.
>> 3. Rebooting the computer shouldn't be necessary when you do hit this. 
>> Waiting ten minutes before trying to POP your mail again will work. All 
>> that has to happen is for our server to stop waiting on the dropped 
>> session, something which wouldn't take longer than ten minutes.
>> On the good news side, we've now got things running so that setting up 
>> Thunderbird is automatic - you just need to be online when you do it. All 
>> you need to put in is your name, your email address @ chebucto.ns.ca and 
>> whether you want to use IMAP or POP3 and the rest gets filled in for you - 
>> secure settings, correct port numbers, all automatic. Setting up IMAP on 
>> Thunderbird has literally never been easier.
>> On Fri, 13 Jul 2012, Pat and Malcolm Bayne wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> periodically I receive the following message:
>>> "Sending of password did not succeed. Mail server mail.chebucto.ns.ca 
>>> responded unable to lock maildrop"
>>> The only way I can get round this is by restarting my computer.
>>> Any suggestions.
>>> This mostly occurs when downloading an e-mail of over 1.0 MB.
>>> I use an IBook G4 and Safari/Thunderbird,
>>> Malcolm

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