CCN: Monthly IP Report - Mon Apr 01/02

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Index of Subjects

CCN IP Monthly Report for March, 2002


Hits  = from monthly URL Stats
Msgs  = from monthly Mailing List report
Docs  = documents modified last 30 days.
Files = not counting image files
Usage = Kb of disk space used

       JumpKey   Hits  Msgs Files  Docs  Usage Name

            bb      0    10     3   189  18488 BeaverBank Community Access Sites

       JumpKey   Hits  Msgs Files  Docs  Usage Name

         aaron      0     0     0     0      0 Aaron Alarm and Automation
           otb      0     0     0     0      0 Outside the Box
       classic      0     1     0     0      0 Classic Horse and Rider
      proptech      0     1     0     0      0 Property Tech Consulting Ltd.
        nature      0     0     0     0        Nature's Art & Design
    blackriver     10     6     0    28   3513 Black River Productions Ltd.
     tradewind      8     2    15   100   1953 Tradewind Knitwear Designs
       phoenix     35     2     0     4     39 Phoenix Career Services
   bailelangan     10     0    37     6   1470 Baile Langan Log Cottages
      woodwork    340     0     0    12    198 E W Poole Woodworking
         litho      8     0     0     1      1 Art Pro Litho Ltd.
         triad     11     0     0    34   4640 Triad Film Productions Ltd.
         index     11     0     0     1     18 Atlantidex
eastcoastoutfitters   2088     0    74   201   3115 East Coast Outfitters
           rmj     22     2     0    11    418 RMJ Fitness & Rehabilitation Consultants
           rmg     14     1     4     2     10 Realty Marketing Group
        tatami      0     0     3     1      9 Tatami Limited
        rstone    171     6    35    73   3222 Rolling Stone Construction and Carpentry
        summit    728     2   836   831  21116 El Summit Perennials Nursery
        atieco      9     0     0     1     30 AtieCo

       JumpKey   Hits  Msgs Files  Docs  Usage Name

        career      0     0     0     0        NS Career
          iaap    815     2     0    73   1979 International Association of Administrative Professionals
         atins   3155    21     0   251  13427 Association of Translators and Interpreters of Nova Scotia
                   46     0     0     1      6 Halifax Women's Network
       cim-hfx    281     5     0    20    102 Canadian Institute of Management Halifax-Dartmouth Branch
                  117     5     0     1      2 Nova Scotia Association of Architects
                  365    38     0    39    213 Regional Atlantic Trading Note Association
          aaae    393     5     0    30    149 Atlantic Association of Applied Economists
          pmac    383    21     1    25    481 Purchasing Management Association of Canada

       JumpKey   Hits  Msgs Files  Docs  Usage Name

     innercity      0     0     0     1      1 The Halifax Inner City Initiative
           vrc      0     0     0     0        Volunteer Resource Centre
                    0     0     0     0        DALnet Friends
      grainery      0     0     0     0        North Commons Food Coop
           shc    354    39     0    19     81 Self-Help Connection
    sambroloop      0     0     0     1     11 Sambro Loop - Citizens On Patrol
                 2945    59     4    39   1512 Community Health Promotion Network Atlantic
   bethechange     24     0   178   212  12258 Be The Change
           m4c  13525    24     0   605   6932 Men for Change
       ccn-ipe     16     0     0     2      8 Information Provider Editors of Chebucto
    directions     42     0     0     2     11 4Directions Women's Funding Coalition
         aians      7     1     0     4     41 AIANS
        ch-cap     46    35    46    36    133 Cole Harbour CAP Site
                   36     0     0     2    219 Metro United Way
 solidarity-ns      9     0     0     3     41 Solidarity Nova Scotia
      critical     70     1     0     5     55 Critical Mass Halifax
         Times      2     0    32   128   1182 Sustainable Times
       nbgsara      0     0    13   261  11366 New Brunswick Ground Search and Rescue Association
           gpi      0     0     0   379  27973 GPI Atlantic
                  901    35     0    26    224 Youth for Social Justice
        nscuba    190    87     0   255  23719 The Nova Scotia-Cuba Association
        wayves    511     2     0    13    460 Wayves
        unicef     10     0     0     1     16 UNICEF Halifax Committee
         swcap    175     0    11    24    176 South Woodside Community Access Program
                   83    61     6    15   1301 CNNA
           HFH     37     0     0    13     24 Habitat for Humanity Halifax-Dartmouth
         necga    247     1   230    26   4527 North End Community Gardening Association
           ncc   1129    48     0    51   1761 Network For Creative Change
                  959    18     0    10     86 Voice of Women, Nova Scotia
       VicHall     96     0     0    58    294 Victoria Hall
         pride    560   164     0    15    920 Halifax Pride Committee
    bideawhile     64     4    63   364   4907 Bide Awhile Animal Shelter
    non-racist    122    81     0     5     17 Coalition of Non-racist Society
           333     26     2     0     1     24 Citizens on Patrol: Route 333
     midmusqex      2     0     0    16   3016 Middle Musquodoboit Agricultural Society
                  351     0     0     9     83 Amnesty International Nova Scotia
                  311     0     0    36    349 Nova Scotia Public Interest Research Group
       spencer     40     0     0    17    868 Spencer House Seniors' Centre
          bnra      0    13     0     0      0 Bloomfield Neighbourhood Residents Association
     mineville   1264     0     9   331   6255 Mineville Community Association
         hddlc      0     0     0     0      0 Halifax-Dartmouth and District Labour Council
                  188     3     0     1      9 Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Youth Project
                  373    37     0    17     51 Metropolitan Immigrant Settlement Association
                  774     4     0    24    244 Association for Media Literacy of Nova Scotia
        nsceis    474    71     0    33    788 Nova Scotia Campaign to End Iraq Sanctions
                 5479    88     0   165   1539 CUSO Atlantic
                  952     0     0    58   1047 Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Dartmouth-Halifax Metro
                  157    50     0    23   1134 Ark
        idsnet     19     3     0   194   2786 IDSNET
       jssdart     28     2    10    71   5038 Halifax Regional CAP Association
        cmhans     77     0     0     1     16 Canadian Mental Health Association
         hrsar     46     0     0     0        Halifax Regional Search and Rescue
                  829    19     1    20    295 Toastmasters

       JumpKey   Hits  Msgs Files  Docs  Usage Name

          caps      0     0     0     0        Contemporary Art Projects Society
          soma    162     0     0    19   1371 Soma
         shift   2968     0     0    82   8030 Shifting Boundaries
                  865   315     0     5     36 Halifax Dance
      showcase   6475     0    63   163   6604 Fiction Showcase
        onaxis     70     0     0     5    927 OnAxis Dance
          fans     15     0     0     1     20 Folkdancer's Association of Nova Scotia
        srdfns   3509     2    26   159   8537 Square and Round Dance Federation of Nova Scotia
      irondale    315     0     0     7    343 Irondale Ensemble Project
                  536     1     2    52   2818 Nova Scotia Choral Federation
          wtcc    769    97     0    12    118 Womens Theatre and Creativity Centre
      symphony    228     2     0     8    105 Chebucto Orchestral Society of Nova Scotia
        cbcpam    263     0     4    16    386 CBC Pensioners Association Maritimes
       dancens   4874   238    31   131   2206 Dance Nova Scotia
           cbb    380     0     3    23    384 Chebucto Big Band
           hfs    619     8     1    33   1433 Harbour Folk Society
                  945     0     0    17    163 Gilbert and Sullivan Society of Nova Scotia
     sanctuary      7     0     1    12   1807 Sanctuary Concerts
            ID   1057     0     0    97   4350 Incomplete Dislocations
          wfns  14315    59    13   587  13425 Writer's Federation of Nova Scotia
        juggle   4305    17     0    60    586 Bluenose Juggling Club
          live   2144    26     0    46   2474 Live Art Productions
   mockingbird  96173   257     9    56   1214 Harper Lee & To Kill a Mockingbird
          mans     16     0     0    70   1269 Multicultural Association of Nova Scotia
    barbershop    277     0     0     1      5 Darmouth City of Lakes Barbershop Chorus

       JumpKey   Hits  Msgs Files  Docs  Usage Name

                 2496     0     0   151    485 Nova Scotia Intergovernmental Affairs - G7
           aef    482     0     3    73    877 Atlantic Earth Foundation
                 2456     3    37   177    722 People's Summit - P7

       JumpKey   Hits  Msgs Files  Docs  Usage Name

            ep      0     6     0    77   1539 Eastern Passage Community Access Site

       JumpKey   Hits  Msgs Files  Docs  Usage Name

                  141     0     0     0        Adult Basic Education, Literacy and Upgrading
     wholemind     20     0     0    30    308
          ipt2      3     0     0     0      0 IP Training 2
         apics     26     0     0    16   1860 APICS The Educational Society for Resource Management
                   67     0     0     1      3 Halifax Campus, NS Community College 
                 1458     9     0    77   2734 Science Plus Teachers Network - Atlantic Science Curriculum Project
                  897     0     0    62    310 Halifax District PTA
           ier     42     0     0     2     21 International Education Resources
           dln    440   232    10    53    543 Dartmouth Literacy Network
        NSRMTA    176     1     0     5     38 Nova Scotia Registered Music Teachers' Association
          ipt3     12     0     0     5     18 IP Training 3
          ipt4     47     0     0     5     19 IP Training 4
         casle   3093    10     8   154   2967 Citizens for a Safe Learning Environment
                  403     0     0    23    330 Atlantic Provinces Association of Library, Media & Ed
           ipt      3     0     0     0      0 IP Training
          bsln     96     0     0    14    242 Bedford-Sackville Literacy Network

       JumpKey   Hits  Msgs Files  Docs  Usage Name

           fhr      0     0     0     0      0 Friends of Hemlock Ravine
                   39     0     0     3     24 Oasis Environmental Society
         cpaws    866    92    58    74   2159 Canadian Parks & Wilderness Society
          rate   3759   244   209   270   4021 Real Alternatives to Toxins in the Environment (RATE)
         wrweo   1725     0    11   175   2772 Woodens River Watershed Environmental Organization
         asfwb    723     0     8    63   1182 Atlantic Society of Fish and Wildlife Biologists
                 3386   108     0   214   1951 Sustainable Communities Network
         fomis   2161   102     0    60   3615 Friends of McNabs Island Society
           eac   3708    16     0    62   1887 Ecology Action Centre
       natural  16880    87     3    58   2087 Natural History Resources
           fhh    172     0     0    11    764 Friends of High Head
          fnsn   4235    98     6   111   1509 Federation of Nova Scotia Naturalists
         nsedc     28   170     0     2    130 Nova Scotia Environment and Development Coalition
      elephant      7     0     0    18     96 African Elephant Database
           sra    990    72     0   150   3811 Sackville Rivers Association
          fppp   1062     4     0    28   3503 Friends of Point Pleasant Park

       JumpKey   Hits  Msgs Files  Docs  Usage Name

      empguide    372     0     0    62    928 Employment Resource Guide
HalifaxWestNDP      9     1    10     6    111 Halifax West NDP Riding Association
                    7     0     0     2     43 City of Halifax Recreation Department
          hrda     14     0    35    59    538 Halifax Regional Development Agency
       transit   1026     3     0     3   1677 Metro Transit
                  265     0     0    38    729 Solid Waste Management System

       JumpKey   Hits  Msgs Files  Docs  Usage Name

           waa      0     0     0     0      0 Women Alike Antigonish
                    0     0     0     0        Halifax Regional Cerebral Palsy Association
           pha     68     1     0     8    291 Four Nations PHA Advisory Council
           tng      3     0     0    35  63854 Titz N Glitz
          cmsf      9     0     0     4    139 Cobequid Multi-Service Centre Foundation
   informatics    246     0     0    16    120 Medical Informatics
         heart    448    53     0   175   2248 Heart Health Nova Scotia
         sbans   5949   162    26    28    251 Spina Bifida Association of Nova Scotia
           chp    671     0     0    61    852 Health Canada Population Health Project
       midwife   1309     0    16    22    305 Midwifery Coalition of Nova Scotia
           aap   8205    62     4   123   3140 Association for the Advancement of Psychosynthesis
          tcos   1093     4     2    54   2184 The Canadian Orthoptic Society
    teenhealth  63621   401     0   943   1854 Teen Health Project
        nsaeha    115    12    22   183   1871 NS Allergy and Environmental Health Association
                  747     2     0     1    260 Nova Scotia Division of the Parkinson Foundation of Canada
health-council      7     0    19   138   4603 Nova Scotia Provincial Health Council

       JumpKey   Hits  Msgs Files  Docs  Usage Name

   chezzetcook     12     6    20    22    446 Chezzetcook Historical Society
                99145     0     0  5450  48782 Clan MacKay Society of New Scotland
           dhm     33     0     0    18    366 Dartmouth Heritage Museum
          fnsh    455     1     0    32    536 Federation of Nova Scotian Heritage
        atlant      6    38     0     7     65 Atlantoile
          bhma    959     0     0    98   4594 Black History Month Association
           ngb 549537   132 11765 12204 257908 Newfoundland's Grand Banks
          csns     36     3     2    69   3689 Chinese Society of Nova Scotia

       JumpKey   Hits  Msgs Files  Docs  Usage Name

           lrc   3561     4     0     2     17 Law Reform Commission of Nova Scotia

       JumpKey   Hits  Msgs Files  Docs  Usage Name

                 5271   154     0    23   9744 Halifax City Regional Library
                  447     0     0     9    120 Dartmouth Regional Library

       JumpKey   Hits  Msgs Files  Docs  Usage Name

        picaro     53    70     0    35   1264 Picaro Online
                    4     0     0     1      9 CKDU-97.5 FM Society

       JumpKey   Hits  Msgs Files  Docs  Usage Name

                 1969     0     0   431   1039 Chebucto Youth

       JumpKey   Hits  Msgs Files  Docs  Usage Name

      waverley      0     0     0     0        Village of Waverley
       jeddore      0     0     0   145   2274 Jeddore-Musquodoboit Harbour  CAP Site
        middle      0     2     0   127   4178 Middle Musquodoboit Community Access Site
        tbacap      0     2    38   850  34362 Terence Bay and Area CAP Site
      estmbcap      0    34     0   112    994 East St. Margarets Bay CAP
          tc97      0     8     0   192    709 1997 Halifax - Telecommunities Conference
     sackville      0     0     0   334  18175 Sackville CAP Working Group
       hnmlcap      0     0     0   149   3139 Halifax North Memorial Library CAP Site
       tangier      0     0     0    17    531 Tangier Community Access Site
       nwescap      0     0     0     1      8 North Preston CAP Site
      urbancap      0     0     0    23    463 UrbanCAP

       JumpKey   Hits  Msgs Files  Docs  Usage Name

   sui-generis   5436     0     0    87   1998 Sui Generis
                84638    95     1    35    465 Yang Style Tai Chi

       JumpKey   Hits  Msgs Files  Docs  Usage Name

         green      0     0     0     0        Green Party of Canada - Nova Scotia
                   31   168     0     0      0 Nova Scotia New Democratic Party

       JumpKey   Hits  Msgs Files  Docs  Usage Name

       preston      0     0     0    25     47 Preston Area Community

       JumpKey   Hits  Msgs Files  Docs  Usage Name

           bns      0     0     0     0        Bicycle Nova Scotia
          sara      0     0     0     0        Senior Amateur Radio Association
                    0     0     0     0        Maritime Chess Canada
       flowers    425     2     0    13   1293 St. Margaret's Bay Gardening Club
                 6202   129     5   118   3383 East Coast Recreational Diving
                  131     0     0     3     97 British Automobile Touring Association of Nova Scotia
           ama   6876     0    28    58   2542 Atlantic Marksmen Association
          oans    846     7    18    30    418 Orienteering Association of Nova Scotia
     brewnoser    227    38     1    52   3394 Brewnoser
                16581   151     0   257   8400 Orchid Society of Nova Scotia
                  233   156    40    25    657 Velo Halifax Bicycle Club
          pbba     79     0    68    31    305 Provincial Black Basketball Association
          gans   7728   221     2    84   1546 Genealogical Association of Nova Scotia
         npest      8     0     0   111   2821 FWL Enterprises
          bird   2092   320     2    29    958 Nova Scotia Bird Society
    underwater    323     0     0    14     58 Nova Scotia Underwater Council
           EMA    627    98     0     8    659 Entertainment Media Archives
           run     28     0     0     5      6 Run Nova Scotia
                 7010   133     0   324  14279 Nova Scotia Chess
          ASCC     82     0     0     1     53 Atlantic Sports Car Club (ASCC)
                 5856   110     2   186   5400 Photographic Guild of Nova Scotia
     billiards    886     3     0    46    464 Billiards Nova Scotia
           cvf   3839    86    11    65   3186 Canadian Volkssport Federation
       dolphin      0     1     0     0      0 Dartmouth Dolphins Scuba Club
                  170     0     0    14    241 Stanley Sport Aviation Association
                  810    98     0    43    440 Bicycle Metro
                 3476     2     0   151   2966 Bluenose Soaring Club
          nsga    513    10     0    12    255 Nova Scotia Guides' Association
           CMA   2295   140     2     4     69 Comics Media Archives
      railroad      0     0     0     0      0 Greater Metro Model Railroad Society
          NSRA    161     0     0     1      4 Nova Scotia Rifle Association
                  344     0     0     5     82 Nova Scotia Parachute Association
                  702    86     0    12    289 Bowhunting
                 1260   109     5    10    127 Halifax Field Naturalists
       milford   2387     0     0    34   5394 Milford House
                 5757   289     1    16    490 Transylvania Society of Dracula
    hostelling      9     0     0    30    832 Hostelling International - N.S. Branch
        orchid     41     2    15    76   2964 Canadian Orchid Congress
        orchid     41     2    15    76   2964 Canadian Orchid Congress

       JumpKey   Hits  Msgs Files  Docs  Usage Name

         isatl      0     0     0     0      0 interServe (Atlantic)
         smbsc      0     0     0     0      0 St. Margarets Bay Shambhala Centre
                    0     0     0     0        St. Nicholas Youth Fellowship
   sttimstpaul      0    23     0     0      0 St Timothy's and St Paul's Parish
           plc      0     0     0     0        Peace Lutheran Church
           sai      0     0     0     0        Sai Centre of Halifax-Dartmouth
           bpc      7     0     1    10     78 Bedford Presbyterian Church
      fairview   1007     0    29    93   1678 Fairview United Church
          aepg    141     6     2   117   2557 Maritime Pagan Gathering Festival Association
       st-john      6     0     0     1      3 The Anglican Church of Saint John
         james    720     0     1    22    333 St. James United Church
      stpeters   1437     0    16   127   2603 St Peter's Parish
         coast    911     2     0    62   1070 COAST
           ucc   1308    66     5   103   1421 Halifax Presbytery of the United Church of Canada
      matthias    175    28     0     8    234 St. Matthias Anglican Church
         grace     14     0     0     1      7 Grace College of Christian Ministry
     standrews    224     1   482   149   4300 Saint Andrews Parish
          sjuc      0    33     0     0      0 St. John's United Church
                  488     0     0    25    159 City Centre Ministry
                   50    13     0     7    107 Birch Cove United Baptist Church
                   66     0     0     1      8 St. Vladimirs Eastern Orthodox Church
        quaker    215    20     0     9     57 Nova Scotia Quakers
       mission    406    15     0    22    127 Brunswick Street United Church
                  163    15     5   220   8155 St. Paul's Anglican Church
      cursillo   1316     0     2   121   1114 Nova Scotia Anglican Cursillo Movement
           sfo    542     0    15    37    206 Regional Fraternity of Eastern Canada (Secular Franciscans
       stmarks    102     0     3    70    700 St Marks Church
                  189    17     0    33   1165 Universalist Unitarian Church of Halifax
                  996    79     0    18    749 Earth Religions Coalition East
      barnabas      6     7     0    14    130 Barnabas Anglican Ministries
         bahai    222     0     0    26    639 Spiritual Assembly of the Bahai's of Dartmouth

       JumpKey   Hits  Msgs Files  Docs  Usage Name

       aquatic      0     0     0     0        The Dollar Lake Centre for Applied Aquatic Ecology
                23242    39    75   554  43617 Soil & Water Conservation Society of Metro Halifax
                  301    32     0     1    332 Society for Amateur Scientists
                  849    46     0   232   3694 Nova Scotian Institute of Science

       JumpKey   Hits  Msgs Files  Docs  Usage Name

         hawks      0     0     0     0        Halifax Hawks
          NSMC   1280     0     6    93   8063 NS Marathon Canoe Racing Association
         smcns    171     0     0     6    111 Sport Medicine Council of Nova Scotia
          ciau  58991    15    34   572  26040 CIAU Sports Scores
       skating      5    14    78   865  12897 NS Figure Skating Association
          judo   7424    85     2   250   6174 Judo Nova Scotia
           ans    194     2    40    26    233 Athletics Nova Scotia
          caja     93     2     0     0      0 Canadian Atlantic J/24 Association
          csps    433     0     0    46    620 The Canadian Ski Patrol
       snooker    154     1     0    16    196 Snooker Nova Scotia
       hfxaiki     50     0     0     6    382 Halifax Aikikai
          dcsc    225     0     0    10    335 Dartmouth Crusader Swim Club
                 2722    54     0   193   1587 Atlantic Karate Club
                  354     0     0     1     70 Atlantic Formula Racing Association
          sasc    111     6     1     3     18 Ski Atlantic Seniors Club
       mooster    770     0     0    89   4537 Halifax Mooster Club
         fence   1032     0     0    16     61 Fencing

       JumpKey   Hits  Msgs Files  Docs  Usage Name

                  224     0     0    15    321 Nova Scotia MiniCad Users Group
          avid     87     2     0     1      6 Avid Editors' Group
                    6     0     0     9    609 Stochastic Communications Technologies
                  399     2     0    11    103 Nova Scotia Atari Computer Users Group
        solans      7     0     0     1      3 Solaris Administrators of Nova Scotia
       scettns   1593    14    12    56   3256 Society of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists of NS
                  635    36     0    76   2916 MicroCAD Users Group of Nova Scotia
         mugns    596    12    34    89    988 Macintosh Users Group of Nova Scotia
      macosxmg      2     0     0     0      0 Mac OS X Managers
                 3632     0    23   201   8992 Association of Records Managers and Administrators
                 4423    64     0   167   2198 Halifax Area Personal Computer Society
         nSLUG     30    18     0    39    323 Nova Scotia Linux Users Group
        rs2000   1055     5     0    69   1763 Rise & Shine 2000 Solar Conference
       solarns   1390    38     1    20    534 Solar Nova Scotia
       firebox     51     0     4    34  10512 Firebox Linux

-- Report generated by halifax:/csuite/cronbin/ip-monthly-rpt on 2002-04-01 --
-- ProcessID: 11885 --

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