CCN: Monthly Mailing List Traffic Summary - Thu Mar 01/01 (fwd)

Date: Sat, 3 Mar 2001 11:19:30 -0400 (AST)
From: "David L. Potter" <>
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Index of Subjects

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 02:28:22 -0400
From: root <>
Subject: CCN: Monthly Mailing List Traffic Summary - Thu Mar 01/01

Monthly Mailing List Traffic Summary for February, 2001

Messages      Listname
 1998         tech-reports
 1624         oldsmobile
 1302         majordomo
  891         naturens
  406         office
  306         mockingbird
  296         ip-cfar
  252         chpna-connect
  199         ccn-tech
  195         ip-tsd
  188         env-sust
  172         sust-mar
  171         userhelp
  161         ccn-board
  149         chess-ns
  146         ip-cuso
  142         ip-dance
  132         ns-diving
  128         taichi
  119         end-sanctions
  114         ngb_priv
  102         membership
  101         ip-hcrl
   93         ang_clergy
   87         ip-bird
   86         editors
   84         nscuba-l
   82         hrm-cap
   80         ip-gans
   80         ip-fsc
   75         sbans
   75         ngb_info
   73         ip-nsndp
   71         ip-nsc
   70         ip-eac
   67         ip-velo
   66         netcc
   65         st-soong-rp
   64         picaro
   61         dln
   60         cvf
   58         ccn-comm
   57         helpdoc
   55         afra
   50         pda
   47         natural
   47         capandco
   46         ip-harc
   46         ccn-pic
   45         sfp-net
   45         fomis
   44         i-bowhnt
   44         hfnexec
   42         dancens
   39         ip-mugon
   38         1st_aid_instructor-l
   37         uuc-hfx
   37         brewnoser
   34         pride
   33         cnnalist
   32         ip-wfns
   32         ip-osns
   32         ip-nsis
   32         i-cma
   31         tic
   31         ip-hfn
   30         mooster
   29         self-help
   28         fnsnexec
   27         heart
   27         fan-powell
   27         ccn-ip
   27         allsaints
   26         sierra
   26         ang_netnews
   25         ip-ciau
   24         ip-cnrs
   24         all-plus
   23         ppp-help
   22         i-cecd
   21         sedmha
   21         modem-moms
   21         ip-bnj
   21         ccn-volunteers
   21         ccn-ipe
   20         sra-members
   20         ip-jns
   20         ip-fnsn
   20         idgang
   20         fppp
   19         training
   19         rate
   19         pgns
   19         orchids-can
   19         ip-swcs
   19         ip-scn
   19         ip-sas
   19         hapcs
   19         gpcns-news
   18         ip-ml
   18         editeurs
   18         eac-board
   18         coolcoral
   17         ip-erce
   17         ip-chpna
   17         eac-wc
   17         ccn-mem
   16         trainers
   16         ip-mi
   16         cpaws-ns
   15         solarns
   15         ip-m4c
   14         sra
   14         sjuc-mem
   14         atlantoile
   13         scettns
   13         i-ema
   13         csuite-tech
   12         nscuba
   12         ip-help
   12         bm96
   12         barnabas
   11         wayves
   11         gardener-archive
   10         ns-actors
   10         ip-angl
   10         estmbcap
   10         blackriver
    9         rs2000
    9         poolns
    9         playwright
    9         ip-akc
    9         ccn-exec
    8         tcos-web
    8         orchids
    8         jrhs25th
    8         ip-ysj
    8         ip-toast
    8         hcouncil
    8         erce
    8         csuite-dev
    7         vgames
    7         sierra-news
    7         ncra-info
    7         ncc
    7         ml-admin
    7         ip-snook
    7         ip-hapcs
    7         hemlock
    6         tcec
    6         nsns
    6         nsga
    6         nsfsa
    6         ip-wtcc
    6         ip-vow
    6         ip-sptn
    6         ip-misa
    6         ip-lvart
    6         ip-lrc
    6         fppp-info
    6         clm-members
    6         boundaries
    5         tech-log
    5         ip-ps
    5         ip-prs
    5         greenway
    5         atl-women

The following mailing lists had 41 - 50 messages last month.

            dancens            hfnexec           i-bowhnt              fomis
            sfp-net            ccn-pic            ip-harc           capandco
            natural                pda

The following mailing lists had 31 - 40 messages last month.

             ip-hfn                tic              i-cma            ip-nsis
            ip-osns            ip-wfns           cnnalist              pride
          brewnoser            uuc-hfx 1st_aid_instructor-l           ip-mugon

The following mailing lists had 21 - 30 messages last month.

            ccn-ipe     ccn-volunteers             ip-bnj         modem-moms
             sedmha             i-cecd           ppp-help           all-plus
            ip-cnrs            ip-ciau        ang_netnews             sierra
          allsaints             ccn-ip         fan-powell              heart
           fnsnexec          self-help            mooster

The following mailing lists had 11 - 20 messages last month.

   gardener-archive             wayves           barnabas               bm96
            ip-help             nscuba        csuite-tech              i-ema
            scettns         atlantoile           sjuc-mem                sra
             ip-m4c            solarns           cpaws-ns              ip-mi
           trainers            ccn-mem             eac-wc           ip-chpna
            ip-erce          coolcoral          eac-board           editeurs
              ip-ml         gpcns-news              hapcs             ip-sas
             ip-scn            ip-swcs        orchids-can               pgns
               rate           training               fppp             idgang
            ip-fnsn             ip-jns        sra-members

The following mailing lists had 1 - 10 messages last month.

      ccn-webmaster          ccn-xtern      chpna-consult       csuite-admin
         csuite-cvs           heritage             ip-aef             ip-ccm
            ip-nsaa        ipftp-users              mmcap      nslug-editors
            offered        public_view            sarinfo            shelter
               tcos           terenceb           4nat-adv           4nat-pha
            all-ips          appointed          artsboard              bbcaa
     board-advisors             bsweet     csuite-install           fence-ns
            flowers           gpi-list       help-answers            i-youth
             idsnet           ip-amlns            ip-dlib           ip-hfhhd
           ip-lgbyp            ip-nscf            ip-nspf             ip-stp
            ip-uuch             mhouse             nsacug           nsntexec
              plens             quaker             samyak               sasc
          smu-ced99             srdfns       tic-announce              apple
           bn-admin            ccn-sat               iaap           ip-admin
             ip-bsc              atari              atins    chebucto-trails
            cim-hfx               fnsh             hostel         hrm-trails
            ip-afra              ip-bc           ip-nsacu           ip-ratna
            mission            nbgsara               oans               pmac
          atl-women           greenway             ip-prs              ip-ps
           tech-log         boundaries        clm-members          fppp-info
             ip-lrc           ip-lvart            ip-misa            ip-sptn
             ip-vow            ip-wtcc              nsfsa               nsga
               nsns               tcec            hemlock           ip-hapcs
           ip-snook           ml-admin                ncc          ncra-info
        sierra-news             vgames         csuite-dev               erce
           hcouncil           ip-toast             ip-ysj           jrhs25th
            orchids           tcos-web           ccn-exec             ip-akc
         playwright             poolns             rs2000         blackriver
           estmbcap            ip-angl          ns-actors

The following mailing lists had NO traffic last month.

               aaae               acaa            acindex               acsj
             actres               aggr              aians              ajsjh
            all-ppp                ama           amethyst          annapolis
            arklist           asfwbnet           asfwbweb                ash
               aslc       auburn-shaft               avid         avid-admin
           awmuseum              bahai              bball          beta-lynx
          beta-pine         beta-shell           beta-tin               bhma
      board-minutes            bounces                caj           can-news
            careers              casle   ccn-comm-archive        ccn-funding
           ccn-iped             ccn-nl           ccn-orig        ccn-penpals
         ccn-policy  ccn-xtern-archive          ccn-youth             ccoast
           cescexec           cesctalk               cfat             ch-cap
            chester                chp                chs                cim
           cim-info             cmhans               cmsf              coast
           cobequid          commodore            comtech          connexion
             cop333     cpaws-atlantic            cpnconf           cpnsexec
           cpnstalk      cs-shell-prog           cso-list            cso-pub
    csuite-announce         csuite-doc   csuite-feedback:      csuite-french
    csuite-security       csuite-setup     csuite-solaris           cursillo
          d-players        dalnet_chat             design             dialup
              digby          digbyneck           dlp-test
            dscoral            dssc-cc         earth-fest           ecommons
            elected           epassage               erys           estmbgen
           fairview               fans            fed2411            fishnet
           fppp-adm          fppp-supp                frl              g7mrc
                gdc             gmmrho              gmmrs           gpi-talk
       harbour-folk           hddlclst       heart-health       help-archive
       hfx-sysadmin            hfxaiki           hfxparks          hp-comm-l
           hrda-com           hrda-gen              hrsar           i-finpln
           i-jobbnk                ier              index            ip-abel
             ip-acb            ip-ains           ip-almer            ip-apcn
            ip-arma            ip-bbbs             ip-bus             ip-cac
            ip-ckdu            ip-cnsf            ip-cprc           ip-dalgz
              ip-ef            ip-gccm           ip-gssns             ip-gtc
           ip-hdpta            ip-hrec             ip-hwn            ip-icyc
            ip-ipac             ip-ipt            ip-mill           ip-mugns
             ip-muw           ip-nsdfs           ip-nshia           ip-nsmcu
            ip-nspa            ip-nsra           ip-oasis              ip-p7
            ip-pirg           ip-rkghm            ip-smuc             ip-ssa
           ip-stvla            ip-tech           ip-tians            ip-vans
             ip-vns            ip-ymca     iphelp-answers               ipt2
               ipt3               ipt4            iptrain           irondale
           jmcapall           jmcapweb            jobbank             juggle
            laleche              lists           literacy             lstcm1
             lstcm2               mans            mca_pub            mca_web
                mcm            milford                mls           moosters
              namca            neptune          ns-server              nsacm
            nsaeha2             nsceis               nsen              nsfcn
             nsfcnw              nslug     nslug-announce            nsndp-l
           nsnttalk             nsrmta           nsssa-ip           nsssa-ml
               nsuc          oansboard           oanslist         openspace1
             p7-all        pat-support           pat-team           pat-tech
          pop-users  post-cfn-announce          ppp-admin          ppp-users
            preston           prolitho              qlist                rmj
       rmj-seminars            rs-crew            sackcap           sackvill
        scn-members                scp            skatens            sns-web
             solans           solansed      solidarity-ns               soma
            spencer               sptn      st-ulysses-rp               star
            stjames           stochcom          stpauls-l           stpeters
        sui-generis               svfo           t2000alt           t2000mem
            tactres               tafa               tc97        tc97-french
           test1000              tlist              triad      triad-contact
        ulysses-adm             unicef           unicefhc           vic-hall
            vichall                vns    volunteer-admin           walkinfo
             wanted           waverley              wgsar           wins-scm
               word          wwh-board             xxxyyy               yaya
     youth-politics             yyyxxx             zzzzzz

-- Report generated by halifax:/csuite/cronbin/ml-stats on 2001-03-01 --
-- ProcessID: 18866 --

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