Request for CCN board to review Text Dialup

Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 12:49:55 -0400 (AST)
From: "David L. Potter" <>
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			**** Request ****

Please consider this a specific request for the CCN Board of Directors to
review, at the earliest opportunity, the designation of 'PPP' type dialup 
as the 'standard' CCN acount.

It is important to note that it is possible (1) for CCN to 
offer Text based services without offering text dial-up (via 
various types of 'telnet' for example).

1) This would accomodate the interests of account holders that are very 
committed to 'Text based Accounts' and the related tools.

This request reflects two separate considerations: 

1) The first is a service issue relating to CCN's mandate/responsibility 
   to provide the best possible service to members and users. 

2) The second is a group of issues which are largely technical in nature.

Service Considerations
Both philosophically and in practice I believe it is important for CCN to 
look for every opportunity to improve the service offered to 
member/users. In years past there were financial and techncial limitations 
on the part of both CCN and our member/users which guided the selection of 
services offered and the improvements to those services that were initiated.

Member/User Hardware - Currently there is good reason to believe that the 
vast majority of our member/users have hardware that could effectively 
connect to our system via a PPP conection. (For example, a 386sx and Win 3.1 
will handle PPP).

Exceptions - It is possible that in a few cases this option is not currently 
available to a member/user but it is reasonable to assume that those 
cases could be dealt with on an individual basis either by:
+ allowing exceptions on our end (where warranted), 
+ providing assistance in upgrading software, or 
+ by facilitating the aquisition of new hardware if indicated.

CCN Hardware - Chebucto currently has sufficient hardware to convert all 
dialup services to PPP.

Member/User Benefits
CCN member users would immediately have access to a graphical interface. 

It seems hard-hearted to place what essentially are artificial barriers 
between member/users and graphic elements of the Internet that have the 
possibility of enriching their Internet experience. (In many respects one 
picture _is_ worth a thousand words... )

In addition, member/users would have access to IRC, and a host of other 
services that are unavailable or unwieldy via the text dialup.

Technical Benefits
There are a number of technical benefits associated with offering PPP as the 
standard connection type. Generally they fall into four categories:

- some current techncial issues such as 'mgetty' disappear entirely

- CCN Technical would be able to shift development/maintenance focus 
  almost entirely to 'server' issues rather than the current significant 
  requirement related to the devleopment/maintenance of 'client' programs 
  such as Pine/Lynx, etc.. (Pine and Lynx would continute to be 
  maintained but with lower priority.)

- Currently we have a system which provides access to some services only 
  while a user is 'logged in' via a text account to the 'Unix' system. 
  The switch to PPP would allow/refocus technical efforts on providing 
  appropriate access to these systems via a (now) standard Web Interface.

- Chebucto would be able to utilize/redeploy hardware in a more flexible 
  manner. It becomes much easier for instance to separate mail, web, 
  authentication, database, and office server functions. This brings 
  advantages with respect to balancing load, controling hardware 
  budgets, etc....

  As part of the resource allocation consideraton, converting all 
  accounts to PPP would eliminate any question about how CCN resources 
  are shared. 


It's possible that the most significant challenges will be:

+ to make the mental adjustment that basic PPP service is not 'ultra 
  special', and (thus)

+ not fall into the abyss of feeling that we have in some way depreciated 
  our Sustaining/Plus accounts by opening the graphical doors to assisted 

I personally believe that there is revenue potential hidden in our (long 
standing) membership/user fees that can be tapped. This may, in fact, 
offer the finance committee the simplest answer to revenue generation. 

In reassessing CCN fee structures we might be able to offer current Plus 
accounts an extension to their account expiry or a 'Tax Receipt' that would 
allow us to undertake the transition while maintaining the loyalty and 
support of current holders of Plus Accounts.

It may also be possible to identify new features/services that could be 
made available to 'Plus' accounts that would continue to make that 
service distinctive.

There is no doubt that a project of this nature brings a series of 
challenges relating to setting of fees and estimating revenue related to 
a new fee structure. The question is really what is the best way to 
manage that risk in the best interests of our member/users.

We should not forget that CCN has significant 'good-will' among the 
membeship that can be leveraged.

There clearly will also be a challenge associated with training a new 
(large) group of PPP users. This will likely indicate the need for a 
series of 'group' training sessions, possibly scheduled in various 
locations/regionss of Metro. To some extent, we should be able to shift 
resources from other areas.

In some respect, a project of this type might offer an excellent focus 
for Volunteer Commmittee and provide an opportunity to renew the 
volunteer base.

While the techncial issues are relatively straightforward, there is no 
question that there will be challenges to be dealt with. However the 
nature of the project will focus additional attention on PPP issues and it 
is likely that, in the end result, PPP service to all users will be 

Inplementation - The actual uptake is likely to be spread over several 
months... Simply updating the password file on phoenix and announcing the 
phone number would start the process but it is unlikely that the bulk of 
accounts would be regularly using PPP for several weeks 4-8 weesk would 
be my guess). 

It's possible that a quick board decision to move in this direction along 
with an indication from Plus accounts that they would prefer a 'Tax 
Receipt' to an extension might allow us to offer a Tax receipt dated in 

The (Christmas) holiday season tends to see lower usage and it is likely 
we could use that opportunity (and an early implementation) to assess 
performance and other technical issues and start the adjustments.

For non 'Plus' account holders, this might be the best gift they receive 