CCN Template Changes

Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2000 07:35:06 -0300 (ADT)
From: Sharon Parker <>
To: Mark Rushton <>
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Hi Mark.

While your comments are valid ones, I believe we have to respect the
decisions of the webmaster and the editor-in-chief on this issue.

The solution may or may not be the best one, but at this point in the
evolution of Chebucto, I think that it's important that we go ahead and
get the thing done. As you know, consensus is rarely an option in 
volunteer-run organizations.

Having said that, I want to state that your comments are greatly
appreciated. It's vital that all views are aired, so that we are aware of
every option that has been considered. And let me say that this is not the
only issue where your ideas have contributed positively to the dynamic of
the discussion.

My personal opinion on the issue of "technical overkill" is that it is a
result of radical thinking on the part of our highly talented tech
volunteers. We need to let them exercise their creative wings and, being a
not-for-profit organization, we have the luxury of letting them do just
that. Who knows? We might even set some examples for other community nets
in the world.  Didn't someone say that the webcam, for example, was a
"first" for community nets in Canada?

Meanwhile, your points about the educational component of the issue and
the matter of cookies need to be addressed. I'll leave that discussion to
the volunteers who are interested in it.

Right now, I'm just very pleased that a decision has been reached and we
can get on with the next thing. For the first time in a long while, I
think we might be on the track to effective management around here. 


On Thu, 3 Aug 2000, Mark Rushton wrote:

> Doug,
> >The discussion regarding colours is getting off-track.  Johnathan has provided
> >a solution that maintains the integrety of the new template, while providing a
> >solution for users that require alternate colours.
> IMHO, while Jonathan's solution works, it is technical overkill.  Why 
> take valuable time away from someone with strong ability to create a 
> workaround like this, when choosing alternate link colours from a 
> web-safe palette can be accomplished in only minutes?
> There is the additional political issue of the use of cookies, which 
> has arisen in various fora over the years at CCN.  There remains 
> great public discomfort with them, and we may want to consider the 
> effect it may have upon our members / visitors "trust" of CCN in that 
> regard.
> Lastly, although it was mentioned by someone briefly (and discovered 
> on her own by Donna), there is an educational component that we are 
> not addressing.  Might it not be prudent to create a section, with 
> some prominence, that covers issues of alternative accessibility 
> (colour manipulation, text-readers, etc.) that helps to educate our 
> visitors?  Looking back, (hindsight), teaching Donna to change her 
> own link colours would have been a good idea.  The fact that she 
> waited through our process without having that option earlier is a 
> failure on our part to assist.
> Mark.
> -- 
> ----------------------------------------
> Mark Rushton, Editor
> Community Support & Development
> Chebucto Community Network (CCN)
> <>
> <>
> ----------------------------------------

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