IPDB update

Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2000 16:53:24 -0300 (ADT)
From: "David L. Potter" <potter@chebucto.ns.ca>
To: ccn-tech@chebucto.ns.ca, editors@chebucto.ns.ca, office@chebucto.ns.ca
Precedence: bulk
Return-Path: <editors-mml-owner@chebucto.ns.ca>

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I've managed to put together the following IPDB functionality (Giselle 
is workinh on other stuff):

Add New IP
htaccess protected... contact Giselle for test account passwords


Accepts basic IP data including the initial passwords and after processing
by cgi-ipbin/add_newip ...creates a record in CS_PRIVATE/ipdb/pending

Complains a little if you enter a Category that does not exist but will 
allow you to 'reload' and press on and ultimately will create a new 
category. Some other data checking also...

The 'results' page shows the data entered and has a link to the 
processing routines...

We need some way to edit the pending record if something needs to be 
changed before we process... e.g Directory spelling error... ipdbedit should 
look in ipdb/pending if it doesn't find the record in ipdb/  

Account Processing

htaccess protected also...

For both new and existing user and IP acounts the entry point is....

accepts the money stuff and then queues the acounts for creation...

The processing is split off to cgi-membin/ip_officeupdate

When csuite-cron runs,... Two accounts are created for each IP e.g. :

Donuts:x:12004:1067:E-Mail Danny's Donuts:/var/csuite/info/Food/Donuts:ftponly
ip-1067:x:12003:1067:WebMaster Danny's Donuts:/var/csuite/info/Food/Donuts:ftponly

The groupfile entry is made:


The category (if necessary) and IP directory is/are created (I just 
fixed a bug so this _should_ be true now.

When domkip is done it should look like:

drwxrwxr-x   3 http     csuite       1024 Aug  3 16:17 Food
drwxrwxr-x   2 ip-1067  ip-1067      1024 Aug  3 15:14 Donuts


Either account should be able to be used to ftp into the website... this 
_may_ not be working on dev: (Michael..?)

The email account is a pop mail account only... same as the big boys.


Testing Needed

1) someone who knows what the accounting should look like should create 
   and process a handful of accounts and then check the accounting 
   reports (bank,etc)

2) We need to test other office functions such as recording a donation or 
   purchasing addiotional webspace... and make sure these entries get 
   into the accounting  _and_ the ipdb.

3) We need to test whether the editors can actually edit one of these new 
   records after they're created (Giselle is working on this).

We really need to beat on this a bit... different membership options etc 
and we need to test the accounts... I've confirmed that they accept 
mail... we may need to sort out aliasing (although the big boys don't seem 
to) that can be controled from the IPDB webmaster account to an off-site 

It you're testing as root you can run /var/csuite/cronbin/csuite-cron 
manually to test the effect of processing... or change the crontab to run 
it every ten minutes...

Scripts that I've worked on: (dev)



CS_LIB/fee (should not give problems)
CS_LIB/cs-shlib (this may only be the cgi-template...)

CS_CRON/csuite-cron  *changed the order of calls, passwd-batch 
			now earlier than domkip

CS_CONF/ip-fees		* new file now mem-fees and ip-fees MAY need to 
                        tweak the service specification..


I've fooled with some other files but most of the other changes 
can be discarded.

I'm away for a couple of weeks... good luck testing/debugging... ;-)


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