Csuite upgrade

From: jnemeth@victoria.tc.ca (John Nemeth)
Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 11:42:22 -0700
To: csuite-install@chebucto.ns.ca
Precedence: bulk
Return-Path: <csuite-install-mml-owner@chebucto.ns.ca>

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On Aug 22,  4:18am, "N. Dale Buchanan" wrote:
} I am writing to you on behalf of ValleyNet (Renfrew County) Inc.  We are 
} currently using an early version of your Csuite software and are 
} interested in upgrading to the current version which I understand is 
} Version 1.0.

     Actually, 1.1 is in final development.  The only thing left is the
upgrade process and a bit of work on related documentation (plus any last
minute critical bugs that show up).

} As we are an all volunteer charitable operation we are not always able to 
} complete tasks in a timely fashion and would like to explore the 
} possibility of your technical staff performing the upgrade.  I understand 
} that you have recommended a method in the past and I would like to verify 
} if this method is still available, determine what we must provide you and 
} establish a cost for the procedure.
} In the past we were given the following option by one of your 
} representatives:
} 1.  ValleyNet would provide you with a new hard-drive (HD) and a copy of 
} the lastest version of RedHat Linux.

     1.1 was developed with RedHat 6.1 (6.2 is now the latest).  However,
the person that loads CSuite could load RedHat.

} 2.  You would perform the RedHat install and install the latest version 
} of Csuite on the HD and return it to ValleyNet.
} 3.  We would install the drive on our server and provide dial-up access,
} at our expense, so that your staff can transfer all relavent files from
} our existing HD to the new HD and ensure that the system is working
} properly.  Staff from ValleyNet would be on-hand throughout the transfer
} to provide any assistance from our end. 
} Can you please verify that the above method is acceptable and provide me 
} with a cost to perform the upgrade.

     Since you're in Ontario, you would probably be sending the drive
East to NS, so I'll leave the rest for somebody there to answer.

     BTW, make sure you ship the drive in a proper shipping container
in order to avoid damage.  If you get the drive without a box, then ask
for one.

}-- End of excerpt from "N. Dale Buchanan"

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