web based email

Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2000 07:21:11 -0400 (AST)
From: David Murdoch <murdoch@csuite.ns.ca>
To: csuite-install@chebucto.ns.ca
cc: Andrea Neville <aneville@swgc.mun.ca>
Precedence: bulk
Return-Path: <csuite-install-mml-owner@chebucto.ns.ca>

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On Thu, 10 Feb 2000, Ian White wrote:

> On Thu, 10 Feb 2000, Andrea Neville wrote:
> > 	Is anyone sucesfully using a web based product to manage csuite
> > email. I would be very interested in your experiences and
> > recommendations. While it will not eliminate the telnet/pine interface,
> > it would proabably need to serve as the primary interface for most
> > users. Although I hate to say it, as close to hotmail as possible would
> > be the ideal. 
> We (BCCNA) are running a webmail program on our Provincial Server
> (http://hp.bccna.bc.ca/) for community networks in BC that have POP
> servers.
> The program we are using is CWMail from NetWin
> (http://www.netwinsite.com). It is a commercial product, but it is also
> the most powerful webmail that we were able to find that works with
> multiple POP servers. Neither we or the sites we provide services to use
> IMAP, so that ruled out a number of webmail clients.
> It has a look and feel similar to hotmail, although it is fully
> customizable through the use of templates.

Although Chebucto is not using this software I thought that
Telecommunities Canada had obtained it at a special price?

> Ian
> -------------------------------------------
> Ian White
> BC Community Networks Association (BCCNA)
> email: iwhite@victoria.tc.ca

David Murdoch CET
     Regional Community Access Project (CAP) Coordinator for HRM, 
     Operations Manager and Technical Coordinator, Chebucto Community Net
         http://www.chebucto.ns.ca - 902 422 2110 voice

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