Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 10:59:55 -0300
From: (David Potter)
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I spoke with Brandon Hume at Dal usenet central. He admits that he
hasn't been following this very closely and that he's not terribly
interested in canceling posts.

He's of the opinion that Speirs ISP would be unhappy about the 'forged'
Chebucto headers... We may be able to also complain on behalf of our
users who are being listed as 'contributors'.

The included message may in fact be of some assistance in our own policy

david potter

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: SPEIRS
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 02:16:23 GMT
From: "Mr. E" <>
Organization: Eastlink High Speed Internet

Here are Mr. Speirs ISP's rules regarding usenet and e-mail.
Pay particular attention to sections 6.03   6.010   & 7.07

If everyone who he has pissed off e-mails both him and his provider,
we can give him the hint to FAQ off. And put an end to his self-ordained
moderator status. Oh, just one question, does anyone know of him ever
or selling anything through this NG or is he just a creepy lurker?
6.0 Usenet News Use

6.01 IPRIMUS services include access to many Usenet discussion groups
(newsgroups). The accountholder acknowledges that some newsgroups
language, pictures, or discussion of subjects intended for adult
IPRIMUS does not monitor access to Usenet newsgroups or the content of
posts by IPRIMUS accountholders or accountholders at other sites.
Accordingly, IPRIMUS is not responsible for the content of any posting
made to Usenet.

6.02 IPRIMUS reserves the right to discontinue access to any Usenet
newsgroup at any time for any reason.

***6.03 IPRIMUS will investigate complaints regarding posts of
material to Usenet by accountholders and ***may, in its sole discretion,
take action based on the rules below. Criteria for determining whether a
post is inappropriate ***include, but are not limited to, the written
charter/FAQ of the newsgroup(s) in question, the established Usenet
***conventions outlined below, the system resources consumed by the
and applicable laws.

6.04 If a post is found to violate one of the policies below, or to
unlawful material, as described in 2.02 and 2.03 above, IPRIMUS may
that the post be moved to a more appropriate forum (if any), or take
as outlined in 1.02 above.

6.05 Usenet news articles posted using IPRIMUS services must comply with 
the written charter/FAQ of the newsgroup to which they are posted. If a
newsgroup does not have a charter or FAQ, its title may be considered
sufficient to determine the general topic of the newsgroup.  IPRIMUS
accountholders are responsible for determining the rules of a newsgroup
before posting to it.

6.06 Established Usenet conventions ("Netiquette") prohibit advertising
most Usenet newsgroups. IPRIMUS accountholders may post advertisements
in those newsgroups which specifically permit them in the charter or
Some newsgroups may permit "classified ads" for single transactions
private individuals, but not commercial advertisements. IPRIMUS 
accountholders are responsible for determining whether or not a
permits advertisements before posting.

6.07 Netiquette prohibits certain types of posts in most Usenet
Types of prohibited posts include chain letters, pyramid schemes,
binary files, job offers or listings, and personal ads. IPRIMUS 
accountholders may post these types of message only in newsgroups which
specifically permit them in the charter or FAQ (if any). IPRIMUS
accountholders are responsible for determining whether or not a
permits a type of message before posting.

6.08 IPRIMUS accountholders may not alter the headers of posts to Usenet
to conceal their e-mail address or to prevent accountholders from
responding to posts.

6.09 Only the poster of a Usenet article or IPRIMUS has the right to
the article. IPRIMUS accountholders may not use IPRIMUS resources to
articles which they did not post. The sole exception to this rule is for
moderators of formally moderated newsgroups; the moderator of a
may cancel any articles in a newsgroup he or she is moderating.

***6.010 IPRIMUS accountholders may not attempt to "flood" or disrupt
Usenet newsgroups. Disruption is defined as ***posting a large number of
messages to a newsgroup which contain no substantive content, to the
that normal ***discussion in the group is significantly hindered.
Examples of
disruptive activities include, but are not limited to, posting
messages with no text in the body, or posting many followups to messages
with no new text.

7.0 Email Use

7.01 IPRIMUS will investigate complaints regarding e-mail and may, in
its sole discretion, take action based on the rules below. If an e-mail
message is found to violate one of the policies below, or to contain 
unlawful material, as described in 2.02 and 2.03 above, IPRIMUS may take 
action as outlined in 1.02 above.

7.02 IPRIMUS accountholders may not send e-mail to any user who does not
wish to receive it, either at IPRIMUS or elsewhere.  IPRIMUS recognizes
e-mail is an informal medium; however, accountholders must refrain from
sending further e-mail to a user after receiving a request to stop.

7.03 Unsolicited advertising mailings, whether commercial or
are strictly prohibited. IPRIMUS accountholders may send advertising
material only to addresses which have specifically requested it. IPRIMUS
will not forward mail of accounts terminated for bulk mailing or
unsolicited advertising.

7.04 Chain letters are unsolicited by definition and may not be
using IPRIMUS services.

7.05 IPRIMUS accountholders may not send, propagate, or reply to
Mailbombing is defined as either e-mailing copies of a single message to
many accountholders, or sending large or multiple files or messages to a
single user with malicious intent.

7.06 IPRIMUS accountholders may not alter the headers of e-mail messages
to conceal their e-mail address or to prevent accountholders from
responding to messages.

***7.07 Violations of the IPRIMUS policies outlined in this document can
sometimes result in massive numbers of e-mail ***responses. If an
accountholder receives so much e-mail that IPRIMUS resources are
IPRIMUS staff may shut ***down the accountholder's mailbox.

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