Process question

Date: Tue, 9 May 2000 09:48:26 -0300 (ADT)
From: "Andrew D. Wright" <>
To: CCN Board of Directors <>
cc: CCN Editors <>, CCN Tech <>, CCN Information Provider Committee <>
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On Tue, 9 May 2000, David L. Potter wrote:

> The individuals (volunters) who have had the most contact with CCN 
> Information Providers have been marginalized in these events in what appears 
> to be a dream of controlling the entire organization from the office.
> To find the co-chair of the Volunteer Committee a central figure in this 
> uglyness is a clear indication of his singular unsuitability for that role. 

	The dream is to see an efficient and prosperous Chebucto Community
Net which is prepared as best as possible to deal with the increasingly
hazardous and volatile world of local internet service providing. Already
since the beginning of the year the environment in which we find ourselves
has become much more competitive. Signups to Chebucto Plus for example,
which accounts for more than half of Chebucto's revenues, have declined
dramatically since the widespread local introduction of free dialup

	This requires some innovation and flexibility in order to
accomodate the new environment we find ourselves in. The pace of change
around here is almost glacial and if this pattern is maintained then we as
a community net will ultimately fail. 

	The new IP process was brought in as a way to provide additional
services and convenience to groups wishing to sign up with Chebucto. The
numbers coming in since the process was introduced verify that this move
was a good one. The intention was not to disenfranchise volunteers but to
centralize the administration role, leaving the volunteers free to do
other roles. Contrary to what Jeff Warnica mentioned in his letter, the
editors do play an important role in the new process. They would maintain
the index of their subject area, keep an eye on the websites put up by
these new groups in their area and, even more critical, help recruit new
groups to Chebucto, targetting "gaps" in their subject field and
approaching organizations and groups to help fill them. This is not
disenfranchisement, despite the emotionally loaded rhetoric being so
blithely tossed about on all these mailing lists, this is empowerment.

	Now a note to David Potter. If you want to attack me as a Board
member, you take your concerns to the Board, not try to smear me across
four major mailing lists. If you have problems with me as the office
staff, you take them to my supervisor, Leo Deveau, the Executive Director.
If your problem is with me personally, well, you know where to find me and
I'll still be here tomorrow.

	Since becoming involved with Chebucto I've been subject to written
and verbal abuse from "fellow volunteers", hardly incentive for other new
volunteers to want to stick around here. I've seen meetings where new
volunteers have watched while old volunteers fight amongst themselves and
surprise, they never come back. You want to talk about disenfranchising
volunteers, this sort of bush league brush war is certainly a good way to
go about it. 

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