New Group and Organizations Regristation process

Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2000 12:42:35 -0400
To: Christopher Majka <>
Cc: CCN Information Provider Committee <>, CCN Board of Directors <>,
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Hi Chris (and others),

Thank-you for your recent note [Sun, 23 Apr 2000 17:20:54 -0300 (ADT)]
concerning the new group and organization registration process we are
implementing at Chebucto.

Contrary to eliminating the IP database we will be undertaking a major
overall redesign this Spring and Summer to have our community information
more easily accessible to members or general users coming to the Chebucto
homepage. Further, although it certainly has proven itself useful, the IP
registration process had clearly become cumbersome for a number of capable
organizations wanting faster web-hosting support. And more importantly, we
need to ensure the office has better accurate records on what is being
purchased by the IPs and for how long. In the web-based world we're now in,
all of this information was neither easily accessible nor administratively
convenient. Thus, the reason to undertaking changes and improving upon what
we've been doing in the past.

We will contiune to improve upon Chebucto's commitment to support local
groups and organizations through linked repositories of information, both
at Chebucto and soon to other relevant community-based groups in the HRM.
Over the next two months we will be contacting all our IPs to outline our
sustainable fee structure and to seek further input from them on ways that
we can improve our services to IPs. We've already had IPs approaching us
wishing to renew their fees under our new fee structure and we've also had
others asking us about providing e-commerce support.

Although I appreciate your expressed cautions, nevertheless contrary to
your reservations I believe that these changes and improvements will
continue to grow our IP base and empower further our pool of CCN Editors to
be more proactive in their respective IP areas. If we do not have clear,
dynamic and accessible tools to support our IPs and the relevant community
information that they provide, we will simply become stagant and we will no
longer be able to attract the editorial or technical talent necessary to
continue our support. Further, accurate administrative records are critical
to Chebucto's financial sustainability.

It is not the wish to eliminate the IPDB or the IP training process, but it
was nevertheless discussed that if we were to move forward in taking
advantage of opportunties (ie; VolNet groups, Small Business support, new
CAP site support, etc.) we needed to redesign our systems quickly. New
scripting requirements in the IPDB was going to take considerable time and
thus because time was indeed of the essence we had to move forward with
what I think is a much more efficient and cleaner approach. Contrary to
being vacuous, I think this is an intelligent and informed way to proceed.
Otherwise, Chebucto Community Net will continue to bleed away more IPs to
other services and Chebucto will lose its viablilty and attractiveness to
the community-at-large.

I don't wish to sound alarmist, but when I arrived on the scene at Chebucto
last June, this organization was hemorrhaging, losing far too many members
to other services and not communicating our mission very well to the larger
community. With the support of the Board and many commtted volunteers, I
think we've all begun to address these concerns by focusing on mission
critical details and we're now beginning to stablize the patient :) But
we've still got a ways to go to ensuring Chebucto remains in good financial
health and remains viable on long term.

I believe I've made every effort to have information and ideas exchanged
within the IP committee and with the Editors regarding all these efforts to
improve our support services to IPs. I would assume all the individuals in
these groups would do likewise with the respective IPs they've been
supporting. However, when I send out an invitation, as I did last week, to
have an IP committee and IPE meeting at 6:30pm next Tuesday (May 2nd) to
address our homepage redesign requirements, I received only one response.
This leads me to wonder what the commitment is to move these efforts ahead.
But in any case, the meeting will go forward, for these needs are pressing
and we shall all soldier on :)


Leo J. Deveau
Executive Director
Chebucto Community Net
Halifax, N.S.
A community will evolve only when
the people control their means of communication.
-- Frantz Fanon

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