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Index of Subjects On Tue, 28 Mar 2000, Andrew D. Wright wrote: > Funny, it was showing the money, date paid and who recorded it > Sunday. Nope, that must've been another script. Like the one linked to from the main /adm/ page. > I really don't think much of the IPDB. Looking through I don't think much of the IPDB interface - too many scripts that all look the same at first glance, but aren't. The data itself however, is what people make it :) > I can't even find ip-1388, despite the fact that they paid Chebucto > $100 March 6th. They were marked as 'moved' (and so moved to /csuite/private/ipdb/DELETED/ip-1388, where nothing will find them) on Feb 15. Try: $ /csuite/admin-bin/ipcat DELETED/ip-1388
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