Web sites

Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 11:09:23 -0400 (AST)
From: Christopher Majka <nextug@is.dal.ca>
To: Mark & Karen Harris <mkharris@supercity.ns.ca>
cc: CCN Communications Committee <ccn-comm@chebucto.ns.ca>, CCN Information Provider Committee <ccn-ip@chebucto.ns.ca>
Precedence: bulk
Return-Path: <ccn-ip-mml-owner@chebucto.ns.ca>

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Hi Karen!

On Wed, 1 Dec 1999, Mark & Karen Harris wrote:

> I am not a user of your service, but I noticed that you have a section
> for religion on your website, plus you have some websites for churches. 
> I am on the church council for the Church of the Good Shepherd, an
> Anglican church in Beaver Bank, and I am researching the cost of setting
> up a website, etc for our Church. 
> I'll be honest, I haven't the foggiest idea how to set up a website,
> what constitutes a "good" website, or what is needed for a website.  I
> know that our minister has e-mail, and my husband, who is a warden, also
> has e-mail (obviously), so I thought a couple of links there, you know,
> click here to write to the minister.  Also, we want to put in such
> things as groups/programs, special events, etc. 
> So, I need to know the cost of setting up the website, and the monthly
> cost of having/hosting/whatever a website. 

In a nutshell the process is:

1) Individual Membership

One or more of the people who are to be involved in administering the site
get a CCN account (if you do not already have them). To do so telnet to
chebucto.ns.ca, login as 'guest' and follow the menus to get your own CCN
account. At the end of the process you send in a signed user agreement to
the CCN Office with a cheque for whatever category of individual
membership you have decided to get.

2) Send in an Online Information Provider Application

Go to the Information Providers' Support Site at:


And read up on what we offer, different levels of service, what's
required, support services available, etc. If you would like to register
as a CCN Information Provider (IP) follow the link to "Send in the On-line
IP Application Form ." (Note: your individual CCN membership must have
been activated for you to do this).

At the end of the registration send in a signed IP Agreement to the CCN
Office. You will also receive (via EMail) our IP Response Letter which
details the Information Provider process and offers various tips and

3) Register For IP Training

We offer free training for IP editors (webmasters) to help get them up to
speed. It is conducted entirely on-line at your own pace and schedule. It
covers topics such as HTML coding, on-line editing, installing files,
administering a majordomo mailing list, using the Revision Control System,
FTP, etc. Experienced webmasters/HTML editors are fast-tracked and can
usually complete the training in 24 hrs or less. Beginners receive more
assistance. Visit the Information Provider Training site located at:


To get the ball rolling.

4) That's it! When you have completed IP Training your site is created
(directory, edit group, mailing lists, etc.) and you can install your

N.B. The fees vary depending on the level of service you are interested
in. They are detailed on:


For a basic IP service there is no fixed fee although we suggest a
donation of $50/year.

If you have any other questions please contact me or the CCN Information
Provider Committee <ccn-ip@chebucto.ns.ca>.

All the best!


Christopher Majka                               <aa051@chebucto.ns.ca>
Editor-in-Chief: Chebucto Community Net - Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
URL = http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Home.html

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