IPs and $$$ (revenue generation)

From: aa935@chebucto.ns.ca
To: Mark Rushton <Mark@chebucto.ns.ca>
Cc: ccn-ip@chebucto.ns.ca, ccn-comm@chebucto.ns.ca
References: <l03130312b40f58a31be1@[]>
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 11:19:04 -0300
Precedence: bulk
Return-Path: <ccn-ip-mml-owner@chebucto.ns.ca>

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The earlier thread, IP Merge, inferred exactly what you are proposing - the 
separation of membership and services.  This separation would increase 
flexibility in dealing with day-to-day operational issues.

If IP's are for membership purposes, in the same process as other members, then 
the annual cycle of renewals can be combined into a single operation.

The same can be said for services.  Services would be billed separately. They 
could be billed on a monthly, or quarterly basis which allows for price 
changes, trial periods, marketing promotions (first month free), etc.  While 
membership dues would not be refundable, unused prepaid services could be. 

Your continued comments and suggested are appreciated.

Doug McCann
Chair, IP Committee

Quoting Mark Rushton <Mark@chebucto.ns.ca>:

> Greetings, all.
> With the newly revised IP rate card, NSCUBA is now far more likely to go
> ahead with a VDN.
> To that end, I contacted the other members of our board to put the $$$ and
> details on their plate, also querying whether we are up-to-date on our
> yearly "dues" as an IP to Chebucto.
> Our treasurer replied that since the organization hadn't recieved (by
> physical mail) an "invoice", no cheques had been sent out to Chebucto to
> fulfil our "moral" committment to CCN for web-hosting services.
> Now, as the editor for NSCUBA's site, I should be more active in staying on
> top of this.  But.... I don't recall receiving an email notification that
> "hey, it's another year you've been with us, and we'd appreciate a bit
> o'dough!".
> An email I could forward to the treasurer to be dealt with.  A physical
> "invoice" / reminder sent to the organization's postal address (which I
> believe _is_ part of the IP record) is far more likely to be acted upon and
> also serve as a reminder to the organization that it has a relationship
> with Chebucto.
> So - do we have the office procedural capacity / human resource capacity to
> perform this sort of outreach?
> Is it desireable?  Feasible?
> Any of you marketing types have an inkling whether the costs (staff,
> paper/envelopes/postage) would be sufficiently addressed by potential
> responses (incoming cheques)?
> Is there an easy way to generate from the IPDB a list of who's paid, when,
> who's overdue, etc. (and not with any judgement placed on those IPs who
> have not / cannot pay, since we do offer "free" access if required)?
> ...Just generating some work for y'all as I'm about to head for the cottage
> for the weekend.... ;-)
> ciao for now,
> Mark
> ________________________________________________________________
> Mark Rushton, Editor, Community Support & Development, Chebucto Community
> Network
> Mark@chebucto.ns.ca     or via WWW:  http://chebucto.ns.ca/~Mark/index.html
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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