CCN P.R. materials.

Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 20:45:44 -0400
From: Mark Rushton <>
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Hi there (anyone out there?)

I stopped into the Spring Garden Road library today, and whilst waiting for
a woman to get off the terminal (10 mins into _my_ time period!), I had a
perusal of the CCN brochure sitting on the table...

It's a white, single-fold 8.5x11 sheet, with the title:

"Join the Halifax Area Internet Community... with Your Community Net!"

One line caught my eye, because it perhaps reinforces this image CCN has
amongst its membership that we're a text-only system (i.e., we can't
"publish" with graphics).  The line in question is on page two (inside the
front leaf), under "What do you get?" section:

"A full range of access to the Internet.  Basic membership (just $20 a
year) gives you text-only access to e-mail, Web surfing, chat and
discussion groups, mailing lists -- everything but graphics."

May I respectfully suggest the next printing of that particular brochure be
reworded to more explicitly (perhaps in the section immediately following,
which states:  "With your membership, you also get space to build your own
Web site on-line.") that we are graphics-capable?

One other minor thing:  formatting of text on the back page, bottom half,
could be cleaned up for readability.

Otherwise, a nice, concise pamphlet!


Mark Rushton, Editor, Community Support & Development, Chebucto Community
Network     or via WWW:

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