Background texture

Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 11:23:44 -0400 (AST)
From: Christopher Majka <>
To: "Andrew D. Wright" <>
cc: "David L. Potter" <>, David Murdoch <>,
Precedence: bulk
Return-Path: <>

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Hi all,

On Mon, 11 Jan 1999, Andrew D. Wright wrote:

> 	I have put up a series of test pages with different backgrounds
> including paper.gif at .
> 	There are a several different graphics at various resolutions with
> different edges, links in blue and red for each background and backgrounds
> in white (FFFFFF), light grey (C0C0C0), dark grey (808080) as well as
> paper.gif. Font sizes run from 2 to 5. 
> 	If there are any other suggestions for background graphics or
> colors, please pass them on and I will add them to the current pages.

In the immediate future, without a great deal of labour, the only
effective way to replace paper.gif with be with another background GIF
rather than using the <body bgcolor> coding. There are hundreds (if not
thousands) of CCN pages with the coding <body
background="Icons/paper.gif"> (or variations thereof) so that replacing
paper.gif is an easy way to make a universal change. Moving to a browser
generated background colour would involve recoding an enormous number of

> 	Let's begin the involved and laborious process of reviewing these
> different backgrounds on a wide variety of different equipment. The three 
> key design elements are: easy reading of text, loading speed, and of 
> course the look itself. 

These are all important criteria. I should note that paper.gif (like most
small texture patterns that tile to repeat) is only 3K in size (which
loads to my browser in less than .5 sec) so loading speed for this and
other such background GIFs should not be problematic.

> 	There should be some agreement as to time frame for this review
> process (which by no account should exceed one month, e.g. 12 Feb. 1999, 
> as that would simply be procrastination), proctoring of review results and
> of course putting different equipment in the same place at the same time
> for peer review. There should be a clear list of who should participate
> and a protocol for the collection of votes.. By all means, let's make this
> process as complete and rigorous as possible. 

I don't see any reason why we have to impose any artificial schedule on
this process. Consensus/consultation processes take as much or as little
time as they need. There hasn't been any great clamor to replace our
background texture. It's not broke so there's no crashing hurry to fix it.

Traditionally who participates is whoever is interested! Something that we
have to bear in mind is that a number of IPs also use paper.gif on their
websites so that changing it involves some consultation/information with
them as well.

I would suggest that on an initial basis the information on this go out to
the IP <>, Communications  <>
& Technical  <>Committees (where it will reach a
broad constituency of people). Perhaps there are people on the Board who
would like to be in on the loop. When there is a consensus by CCN folks
(or a small set of possibilities) this could be run past
<> and/or <> to get some
feedback from IP Editors.



Christopher Majka                               <>
Editor-in-Chief: Chebucto Community Net - Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

"We have ... in this country ... far too many captive editors who cannot 
even be heard to rattle their chains."              -- Carl E. Lindstrom

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