Update Status in IPdb Status Update appears broken

Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 10:46:44 -0400 (AST)
From: Christopher Majka <nextug@is.dal.ca>
To: Edward Dyer <aa146@chebucto.ns.ca>
cc: "Michael T. Smith" <michael@csuite.ns.ca>, CCN Technical Committee <ccn-tech@chebucto.ns.ca>,
Precedence: bulk
Return-Path: <ccn-ip-mml-owner@chebucto.ns.ca>

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On Mon, 26 Oct 1998, Edward Dyer wrote:

> I would suppose there might be a valid real-world reason for having
> no jump-key, although I can't think of one - unless we are about to
> support IP's that exist in isolation, with no links from the rest of
> CCN :-?

Not every CCN IP has a website associated with it (some IP's operate only
a majordomo list). It's nevertheless important to run them through our
system of entries in the IPDB & IP Agreement. Consequently a jump-key for
such IP's is not only unnecessary, it is bothersome since other scripts
scan the IPDB for jumpkey short cuts to create /Chebucto/jumps.html the
list of such.

Also there are scenarios in which I like (at least for some time) to keep
an entry in the IPDB after the site has closed. In such circumstances it
is desireable to clean out the jumpkey entry so that it doesn't appear in
jumps.html as a CCN IP. Such, for instance was the case with Neptune
Theatre & Symphony Nova Scotia. In general, it's a good thing to be able
to put a null entry in this field if it is desireable to do so.

> I think we might have to special case the script that generates the
> i list.
> As far as ml-priv is concerned, I am sure that it would break some
> of our scripts not to have ml-priv available, so I assume the script
> simply doesn't delete it. 

Not so in this circumstance. Once the IP is created it's impossible from
within the IPDB to change or delete the majordomo list name (or anything
else about it), although this is a capability that I would dearly like to
have (and I've been lobbying the Technical Committee for ;-.)! In ay
event, in this circumstance I am discussing ml-priv entries for uncreated
IP's, where the info i simply sitting in the IPDB pending IP creation.
Again, there are circumstances where a null entry is useful.

> Group list sounds like it too is essential, I suspect, although now
> that the editor-in-chief can add himself to an ip-group it is not so
> critical as before, still it is useful to maintain a record of
> who is responsible for the site :)  even if it is the self-same
> editor-in-chief.  I don't think it would break anything to have an
> "empty" ip-group, except perhaps all-ips mail.  May need another
> special case check.

Similar to above. In fact, once the IP is created it's trivial (via the
Group Editor) to remove all logins from an edit group (if this is so
desired). This, in fact, is something I routinely do in closing down IP
sites (which I have done a lot of recently ....)

> Someone with a very good grasp of the system might be able to go and
> bomb-proof all the associated places, but I don't think it would be
> trivial.  Meantime, the checks may be too restrictive, but the
> alternative is to dope out better tests to ensure that something
> that will break is not allowed to happen.  And I come back to
> wondering, how could an ipdb entry work at all if it were missing
> those items?

Remember I am discussing IPDB entries sitting in a flat file _before_ the
IP has every been created. This is a largely differnt question from
already created IP's, although, what I am discussing can be done to
existing IPs with nothing breaking. As I mentioned, it's possible (via the
Group Editor) to clean out all the members of an edit group; it's quite
easy to nuke a majordomo list with nothing untoward happening (Lynx
C)omment will go to a nonexistant list) and there are many existing IP's
that have no jumpcuts, for the simple reason that they were created before
jumpcuts were even implemented on the CCN!



Christopher Majka                               <aa051@chebucto.ns.ca>
Editor-in-Chief: Chebucto Community Net - Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
URL = http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Home.html

"We have ... in this country ... far too many captive editors who cannot 
even be heard to rattle their chains."              -- Carl E. Lindstrom

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