Very Important: VDN Tiers & Costs

Date: Sun, 04 Oct 1998 14:07:29 -0300
To: (Richard Rudnicki), Christopher Majka <>
From: Peter Morgan <>
Cc: ccn board <>, David Murdoch <>, CCN Information Provider Committee <>
Precedence: bulk
Return-Path: <>

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>We're having this debate about prices with very little information, mostly 
>hearsay, and have no definitive overview or agreement on what the heck is 


The results for your study

ISP's in Nova Scotia charge about $75/month for 25 mb web space, a bunch of
email addresses and some access (Kayhay, Supercity). Large commercial ISP's
in Canada charge significantly more than this ($150+/month: psi net). The
most cost effective method is to use hosting services via a US service
(www, or which charges about $20/US month for the
equivilant $75 Canadian service.

In NS Ednet offers considerable free services to those organizations that
are eligible, but nothing to organizations which are not eligible.

My experience is that all of these organizations do a poorer job of
technical service than Chebucto, but a much better sales job.

Sympatico and possibly others have offered large, high profile
not-for-profit's free hosting. They have not offered "network services"
(multiple email addresses, mailing lists, etc) to the best of my knowledge.
Sympatico's hosting services for things other than individuals are exorbitant.

Links: (mid/high range US hosting service) (local ISP -- pricing info not shown on web site) (National ISP)

>going on out there in our own field of operations. We can't be effective 
>making decisions this way. 
>I propose we commission a study that can be done very quickly, this should 
>be done annually you know, to 1) identify the ISPs available to Nova 
>Scotians and determine the range and cost of their services relative to 
>CCN's, and as best as possible determine their marketing thrust, and 2) 
>identify the emerging trends in the industry. This is secondary research 
>that can be done by one or two sharp fourth year commerce types. The 
>methodology would involve research at the Dal business library and on-line, 
>and should take about two days research, one day report writing. I'd look 
>for two people at fifty to seventy-five bucks each plus photocopy expenses.
>We also need to know where the IP heads are at, and this is something that 
>maybe Jack Uthe and I could undertake through an interview/survey format

Peter Mortimer and Jack and Chris Majka developed the policy adopted by the

>And then of course the information needs to be acted upon, and it seems to 
>me this should best be through a coordinated effort by both the IP Committee 
>and the Board.

Peter Morgan
Chair, Chebucto Community Network

	4900+ active members
	almost 200 information providers
	4.8 million page impressions/month
	22,000 outbound email messages daily

	CCN is a volunteer organization which provides the technology,
infrastructure and training that enables all people in the Greater Halifax
Region to participate in an electronic public space.  Users can gather and
share information and take part in exchanges and dialogue that enrich their
lives and their community.  

Chebucto accounts are free, but a $20/year adult membership is strongly
encouraged. Anyone with modem access and a terminal communications program
(e.g. hyperterminal on Windows 95) can dial in to 494-8006 and login as
"guest" with no password. The shortcut "g register" will allow one to
register to obtain a personal account. Public access facilities are
available in all the library 
branches in Halifax. Human help is available at 494-2449

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