Welcome to Our Web Page




When this web page began more than twenty years ago, it described most of the activities of our whole family. Now that most of our children have flown the coop, it is mostly about what Ann and I (Dave) have been up to. I update it most weekends. We save all the messages over the past year in an Archive along with links to what we were doing ten and twenty years ago.

You can click on the pictures above to get a bit more information about each of us.

Monday July 15

My vegetable garden

My vegetable garden

We have been subjected to a heat dome over the past week which, for us, means temperatures in the very high 20s with very high humidity making it feel like the mid-30s. We are happy to have our heat pump up and running. Unlike us, my garden is enjoying the heat, especially the peppers and eggplants.

Last week we also had the "rough-in" for our solar panels; that meant that rails were installed on the roof and wiring connected to our new electrical panel. The panels themselves are supposed to be installed this week but we don't know yet which day. When that is done our carbon footprint will have been substantially reduced.

Despite the hot weather, we have got out on a few rides, mostly the regular ones with the Railers and Roadents. There was a Rambler ride on the South Shore yesterday (postponed from Saturday due to rain) but we decided not to go so that Ann could go to church while I went for a ride around the Lake Loon loop, leaving early to avoid the worst of the heat. This morning it was Ann's turn to go on a ride, joining the Railers while I stayed at home to baby-sit the electricians who came to finish a few odds and ends related to our recent electrical upgrade. Last Sunday we also went on a ride along the Dartmouth waterfront with Roxanne, stopping for coffee and sticky buns at the Cottage Café on the way back.

Over the past couple of weeks Ann has continued working on getting rid of a lot of the junk that has accumulated over the years. That started because we needed to make space in the basement for the installation of the heat pump but it has taken on a life of its own. With the expected arrival of the Ottawa and Renfrew contingents this weekend, there is a deadline to clear up the various piles that have accumulated around the house. That is causing a modicum of panic but I'm sure it will get done in time if only by moving them all into the garage.

For Canada Day this year we had planned to revert to pre-pandemic practice and invite our neighbours over for refreshments and a lively game of boules in the back yard. Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate, so it was deferred until July 3 which was much more pleasant. Jim and Valerie, Dave and Nolda, Carl and Roxanne, and David's friend Aaron came over. Only one game of boules was played and I was not a participant, so I can't report on the winner. In the late afternoon we ordered a bunch of pizzas and everyone joined us for dinner on the back deck.

Ann's monthly Mahjong game has become a weekly affair recently. Last Friday it was at Paddy's but the week before it was at our place. That day Ann had to pop out to help our friend Erika get home from the hospital, so I was co-opted to make up the table for a few rounds. I did not do very well. When Ann got home, I made batch of chowder and Paddy, Marilyn and Carol joined us for dinner.