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Please share your CCN Success!

The Chebucto Community Net, founded in 1994, is a non-profit organization that provides an opportunity for everyone, regardless of age, physical ability or economical situation, to have access to electronic information services such as the Internet.

The CCN believes that it provides services that are very important, maybe even essential to some or all of its users. Over the past four years, the number of active CCN users has increased to over 6,000. Services such as e-mail, telnet, information providers and Internet access have allowed for an exchange of about 20,000 mail messages per day, 1,500 telnet logins per day, and over 200 local organizations to be trained and providing information on CCN.

What's the secret to CCN's success? Well the answer is very simple: its users. Because the CCN is a non-profit organization, there are no mandatory hook-up, user or monthly fees. And because CCN relies on optional membership fees and donations, there is no discrimination of who can use its services. The CCN is not only beneficial to individuals, but also to the community as a whole.

Looking for your help and success stories!

The CCN is looking for your help and success stories in order to create a shortcut g)o-success for all users and Internet browsers to view.
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