YES, I had a success!

Here are a few examples of people who have benefited from Chebucto Community Net.

  1. Grace Paterson, Clinical Informatics Coordinator, Medical Informatics for the Faculty of Medicine at Dalhousie University writes that the Teen Health Web Site will be featured in a poster presentation at the 1997 American Medical Informatics Association Annual Fall Symposium and published in the Symposium Proceedings.

    The poster, Evaluating Barrier-Free Access to Teen Health Information on the Web, will be co-authored by Ms. Paterson and Deborah Langille of Community Health and Epidemiology while David Jackson, CCN Technical Committee, provides programmer support for the evaluation survey

  2. Kevin Hindle wrote: "I have been a very pleased member of the FreeNet and feel it is a very valuable service that needs to be expanded on."

  3. Karen Getson wrote: "Our classroom has used CCN for the past five months. We have only one terminal and there is always a waiting list of students wanting to get on-line. From the Chebucto (Community) Net, we have acquired per-pals from around the world, e-mailed each other when not in school and researched different countries of the world. Everyone should have an opportunity to experience being linked to the world! Thanks for being there for us."

  4. Abraham Binder wrote: "Thank you for this opportunity to add my voice to what must be a choir of praise for the Chebucto (Community) Net. As a freelance writer, I barely have the money or the technology to ride the information sidewalk, much less the super-highway. CCN gives me, and many others, the access to a whole new world that I would not otherwise have,"

  5. Gordon Grainger wrote: "I write a weekly column for the Daily News. My partner, Todd Verge, researches various science topics and explains them to me. I live in Dartmouth; Todd lives in Ottawa. If it wasn't for CCN, it would be virtually impossible for us to do the work we do."

  6. Tom Fullerton wrote: "I am a retired 55-year old with a small pension. I would find access to e-mail prohibitively expensive without CCN. I use e-mail to keep in constant touch with both my children and families who live in Ontario. It's a real boon to all of us."

  7. After winning the Golden Banner Award Award of distinction for her site, Janet McKay wrote: "The CCN goes well beyond providing space on its server for the IP groups, so much so it is amazing ... and all this run by what have to be have to be extremely dedicated volunteers. The leaders and wise wo/men among us deserve much credit, for it is their guidance that keeps the volunteers inspired and working together in an excellent cooperative environment."

  8. Helena McCay wrote: "Thanks for the Chebucto Community Net and the helpful young man you've placed at the phone. He always has the right answer to allow me to stay online. Thanks."

  9. Jack Waller writes: "As an Information Provider Editor for St. Matthew's, I am aware of the value of Chebucto. I suggest we mount a concerted effort to encourage (other churches) to avail themself of the many advantages in being a part of the Chebucto family."

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