Problems with Solaris installation

From: (John Nemeth)
Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2001 00:33:12 -0700
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On Aug 13, 12:08pm, Kenneth Applegate wrote:
} On Fri, 27 Apr 2001, John Nemeth wrote:
} for problems. I will get the release version of 1.1 from the ftp site.
} However, for the moment, to get some experience with Csuite on Solaris -
} will 1.0 run "out of the box"? I also have a copy of that version
} available.

     I'm not sure exactly what you have.  There is a Solaris directory
on the web site that you can try.  However, I don't know how well
tested that is.  In the case of VTN, I started off with Beta 1.0 and
ported to Solaris, then made a bunch of fixes.

} I would like to get some version on Csuite working on our target system so
} that I can try doing some conversions of Freeport accounts to Chebucto. I
} believe you are the person who developed scripts for that purpose? If so -
} I would like to get copies to try out, even if I wind up doing it on our
} Linux Csuite test bed.

     The big thing is converting the menus.  Although, there is a
script to do most of it automatically, you will need to check the
output log, and there will be some manual work to do.  The account
conversion is pretty much cut and dry.

     BTW, there is a csuite-solaris list for Solaris specific

}-- End of excerpt from Kenneth Applegate

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