Problems with Solaris installation

Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2001 00:01:08 -0700 (PDT)
From: Kenneth Applegate <>
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On Fri, 27 Apr 2001, John Nemeth wrote:

John - Thanks for your quick response and suggestions of reasons & fixes
for problems. I will get the release version of 1.1 from the ftp site.
However, for the moment, to get some experience with Csuite on Solaris -
will 1.0 run "out of the box"? I also have a copy of that version

I would like to get some version on Csuite working on our target system so
that I can try doing some conversions of Freeport accounts to Chebucto. I
believe you are the person who developed scripts for that purpose? If so -
I would like to get copies to try out, even if I wind up doing it on our
Linux Csuite test bed.

Thanks again - please keep me informed of any progress in getting 1.1 to
install on Solaris.

Ken Applegate 

> On Aug 13, 12:56am, Kenneth Applegate wrote:
> } 
> } After testing Csuite on Linux installations, I now am trying to install
> } Csuite 1.1 [pre-release fc3 version - is 1.1 released?] on a Sun Sparc
>      Yes, it is, and it's available from the FTP site.
> } system running Solaris 7 (2.7). The only "non-standard" thing is to
> } install to a /usr/opt/csuite on a large /usr/opt partition, rather than to
> } the default /opt/csuite.
>      This is fine.
> } I hit minor problems in csbuild when two Makefiles could not seem to
> } locate utilities "ar" and "size" in /usr/ccs/bin, even though they existed
> } there and /usr/ccs/bin is part of the SUPER-PATH listed in the csuite vars
>      This is probably because /usr/ccs/bin wasn't in your path when you
> started csbuild (SUPER-PATH doesn't take effect immediately).
> } However, I am having trouble getting past Step 1, System settings and Step
> } 2, Site Configuration. The first time I ran Step 1, system settings were
> } apparently gathered, but when I go to Step 2, I am not allowed to proceed
> } until Step 1 is completed. The suggested Ctrl-R to reload doesn't help.
>      This is just the beginning of the problems.  As the README-SOLARIS
> says, an install on Solaris hadn't been tried.  The bad news is that
> out of the box, CSuite 1.1 will not run on Solaris (several scripts
> will bomb with syntax errors, and several programs will fail to compile
> and install).  The good news is that I discovered this a couple of
> weeks ago and have been working on it.  It looks like I've reached the
> end of the problems that prevent a successful install.  If the build,
> I'm doing right now works (right through a complete install), I'll be
> putting up a test server early next week.
> } Also, if csuite has been installed partially, is there any way to force
> } csbuild to go back to the beginning, or to a particular point [such as
> } just after building bash]? I'm not sure how csbuild is keeping track of
> } the current state of the installation.
>      csbuild doesn't really keep track.  It is just a dumb script that
> goes step by step.  Once Lynx is started, there is some tracking, but
> without the scripts it can difficult to setup the proper environment.
> I generally don't try to restart an install.  What I do is create a
> seperate holding directory (i.e.  /usr/local/src/csuite-1.1.orig) into
> which I download the files, then when I attempt an install, I copy the
> files to a different directory (i.e. /usr/local/src/csuite-1.1) and
> build it from there.  If the install fails, I correct the problem, wipe
> out everything to return the system to the state it was in before I
> started, then recopy the files, and restart from the beginning.  I know
> this sounds like a major pain, and it really should be corrected.
> }-- End of excerpt from Kenneth Applegate

Ken Applegate           How do you identify astronomers from Seattle? 
<>      By the windshield wipers on their telescopes!

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