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cgi_LOGIN="the custom user name for this user"
gid=`gawk -F: '$1 == "'$CS_USERGROUP'" { gid=$3}; END {print gid}' /etc/group`
cs_home=$CS_USERHOME/`login2dir "$cgi_LOGIN"`
... generated the password somehow and pipe to `encrypt -'
echo "$cgi_LOGIN:$encryptedpw:$uid:$gid:$name:$cs_home:$CS_SHELL" > $CS_PRIVATE/registration/pw.$cgi_canon
echo "$cgi_LOGIN $canon" >> $CS_MATCHDB

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OK, now on to the office approval steps, $CS_ROOT/etc/cgi-membin/memupdate:

today=`putdate %Y%m $stamp`
acctfile=$CS_PRIVATE/namedb/`login2dir $cgi_LOGIN`
# copy stuff to namedb, etc.
newacct-setup $CS_PRIVATE/registration/db.$canon
echo "activated|id|$stamp|iwhite" >> $acctfile
echo "a|$cgi_LOGIN|id|$stamp|iwhite" >> $acctlog
# optional...
send-mem-mail "$cgi_LOGIN" "new" "NewAcct" "id"

At this point you can run $CS_ROOT/cronbin/passwd-batch if you don't want
to wait for cron, and the accounts should be set up. This should get you
started, you can probably see steps you can skip or optimize away
(newacct-setup can be skipped if you just create the pw.$canon entry and
stick the namedb entry directly under namedb).


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