Account generation

Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 20:55:02 -0300 (ADT)
From: Michael Smith <>
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On Mon, 18 Oct 1999, Ian White wrote:

> Has anybody come up with a nice solution to the problem of doing a large
> number of account registrations at once? I have probably 300ish to do and
> I'd like to make them all custom accounts. I am only concerned with the
> full name and account ID fields, perhaps the password field. The rest of
> the fields can have some generic information put in to them. 
> Any ideas on how to do this with the least possible effort?


Assuming $SYSPATH (from $CS_ROOT/etc/conf/vars) is in your path, all
of vars has been sourced, and the entire process can run in the time
between cron jobs (one hour). Otherwise you should disable csuite_cron, or
do the appropriate locking (see the scripts for details).

cd $CS_ROOT/private

Now make a canon string for each user (as in etc/cgi-bin/ar-parse):
canon=`echo "
name=User Name
postal=b2v 1k6
evephone=455-5666" | mkcanon

echo "fullname|User Name
address|Street Address
province|Nova Scotia
postal|b2v 1k6
created||$stamp" > $CS_PRIVATE/registration/db.$canon

The next step depends on membership type... I'm assuming no membership,
just usership, but see etc/cgi-bin/ar-memopt otherwise.

I'm assuming you have your own algorithm for generating the custom login
names, so you don't need to call ok-custom.

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