Upgrading... CSuite 1.1

Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 19:32:57 -0300 (ADT)
From: Michael Smith <michael@csuite.ns.ca>
To: csuite-tech@chebucto.ns.ca
Precedence: bulk
Return-Path: <csuite-tech-mml-owner@chebucto.ns.ca>

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On Wed, 2 Jun 1999, Jeff  Warnica wrote:

> > On a system that has mail (or httpd) aliases configured, or any number of
> > other custom configurations, if we go ahead and install over top we run
> > the risk of trashing that configuration.
> Dont install mail or httpd at all then!

IMHO everything major belongs under $CS_ROOT (which should probably be
under /usr or /opt, not /var, but that's an easy default to change). That
means httpd, zmailer, pine, lynx, and anything else that we customize a
lot and need a lot of control over, plus anything weird that might not
have easy to install binaries available for most platforms (lqtext).
As time moves on we should probably work on eliminating as much weird
customization as we can, but I don't see Pine or Lynx ever leaving this
tree. If we move to another mailing list manager we might be able to move
zmailer out of this tree, but it'd be tricky (and zmailer is tricky to set
up anyway). httpd will need mods for suexec and maybe PHP, plus any custom
modules we might need.

We have a number of other requirements (bash-2, gawk, skill, agrep,
gnuplot, perl...) that could easily be replaced with a script to check
versions and make sure the right paths go into the *_PATH variables in


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