REPORT: corrected aliases (I hope)

From: James Fifield <>
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 10:25:34 -0300
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> Date: Mon, 23 Jun 1997 20:49:43 -0300
> To:
> From: Robert Cormier <>
> Subject: Re: REPORT: corrected aliases (I hope)
> At 10:28 97-06-23 -0300, you wrote:
> >- Changed '@@@SHORT_NAME@@@-admin' to conseil-@@@SHORT_NAME@@@=20
> >- Replaced 'board' with '@@@SHORT_NAME@@@-board' (as it should be).
> Jamie, I am afraid we have a case where both "admin" and "board" may =
> been translated by "conseil". This is my fault to some extend...
> "board (of directors)" is "conseil (d'administration)" in french so =
this is
> "board" that should be rendered by "conseil".=20

That currently what it is, which is nice for a change. :D*
> As for "admin", there is two options depending of what the list is =
> for:
> 1) I would say "gestion", hence:  gestion-@@@SHORT_NAME@@@...

Well, we have=20
ml-admin: @@@CS_ADMIN@@@
admin-ld: ml-admin

and we have
ip-admin: @@@CS_ADMIN@@@
admin-fi: ip-admin

We even have
volunteer-admin: @@@CS_ADMIN@@@
admin-benevoles: volunteer-admin

Is this acceptable for now, or should we really, really, really change =
things around at
this late date?  (As you may be able to tell, I'd rather leave them as =
they are unless
it's absolutely necessary :D*)
> ...if we are speaking of the *office* administration functions such as
> Blaine's at CCN, for instance (e.g. the page is called "Centre de =
> CSuite).
Currently, we translate "office" to "bureau".  Should it *gestion*?  =
(Once again I'd
rather not make the change right now.)

> 2) or "admin", hence: "admin-@@@SHORT_NAME@@@...=20

That might be partly my fault.  There isn't a "@@@SHORT_NAME@@@-admin".  =
I keep confusing
"@@@SHORT_NAME@@@-board" with it.  My mistake.
> if we are speaking of the more general *network* administration issues
> (e.g. we call the "network administrator" a "administrateur r=E9seau" =
in french.
> This is not something I would bother too much for now, but maybe to =
put on
> your todo list.

Will do. The alias list is a little screwed up anyway, so an overhaul =
later will be done
> Robert     =20
James Fifield

CSuite Technical Staff

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