HIGH: reference to @@@SHORT_NAME@@@-board mailing list (SUMMARY)

From: James Fifield <fifield@ug.cs.dal.ca>
To: csuite-tech@chebucto.ns.ca
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 1997 16:13:06 -0300
Precedence: bulk

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Well, once again I have a differing of opinion. :D*  I'll outline the problem, proposed 
solutions and maybe I can get a consensus from some of you?


Help/contacts.html.fr refers to a non-existant mailing list, (as far as I know) 

I think everyone agrees that the "admin" should be replaced with "conseil", but here are 
the options for resolving the other issues:

1) Use only "conseil" as the mailing list name.
- This is my personal favorite, but only because it requires the least amount of work. :)
2) Use @@@SHORT_NAME@@@-conseil.
- Robert does not think this is proper, which leads us to proposed:

3) Use conseil-@@@SHORT_NAME@@@.
- This isn't bad.  Of course, we'll have to change the english version to point to a valid
mailing list as well, (the english version of Help/contacts.html points to 
@@@SHORT_NAME@@@-board which does not exist either).

4) Use conseil-@@@ABBREV@@@.
I feel that Ed's comment, (see below) about keeping different VCN's separate is quite 
valid, so using @@@ABBREV@@@ may cause trouble later on.


That's the options, here's the mail messages I recieved:

>From Ed Dyer:
> IMHO ;-)  we should stick with the longer version, in order to provide
> correct support for VCN's which the site might in future host. 
> By the way, that's seven "@"'s in a row (3 trailing, a real @, then 3
> leading for the next variable to make a correct mailing address.)
> Ed Dyer aa146@chebucto.ns.ca   (902) H 826-7496  CCN  Assistant Postmaster

>From Robert Cormier:
> > >
> > > I see. It is because we usually refer to it as "conseil d'administration"
> > > and "conseil" alone is less usual. There is another problem with the words
> > > order:
> > > 
> > > The sequence should be:
> > > 
> > > conseil-@@@SHORT_NAME@@@@@@@MAILHOST@@@
> > > 

>From Landon Boyd:
> It may be worth noting that an @@@ABBREV@@@ variable gets set which
> is similar to the @@@SHORT_NAME@@@ except that it's lower case, and
> must be all one word.  eg.
> ABBREV=ccn
> In the case of conseil, you would probably want conseil-@@@ABBREV@@@.

I hope this shows where we stand on this problem.  I realize it doesn't seem like all that 
large a problem, but changing a mail alias will require more than just editing the aliases 
file, I will also have to check for references to it in the documentation.  I'm not going 
to go through another situation like the icon problem. :D*

I'd welcome votes, suggestions, help, etc.


James Fifield

CSuite Technical Staff

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