CSuite and VCN's

Date: Mon, 24 Feb 1997 09:26:00 -0400
From: John Nemeth <jnemeth@cue.bc.ca>
To: David Trueman <david@cs.dal.ca>
Cc: csuite-tech@chebucto.ns.ca
Precedence: bulk

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On Feb 21,  5:06pm, David Trueman wrote:
} I just got Gary's note and found this message buried.  Please send to
} csuite-tech in the future --even if I still have to answer, I'll have

     Okay, I just plucked your address out of the mail convo you had
with Gary.  I have joined csuite-dev.  Should I be joining csuite-tech
as well?

} On Thu, 13 Feb 1997, John Nemeth wrote:
} > your website.  We have alpha 4.1.  We are running under Solaris 2.5,
} > and using NIS+.  I see that alpha 5 is out for Linux, and that there
} > is talk about beta 1 (plus release 1.0).  The first thing I would be
} > wondering is if I would be better off getting a later version (I
} We are hot on the heals of beta 1 which we hope to get on Monday or within
} a coupel of days of that -- it is definitely worth waiting for.  If you
} can't wait until Monday, let me know and I will get you the current dist.

     Okay.  We have a target of the end of March for being
operational, so I do have to get moving on it.  Please keep me
apprised.  I'll be out of town for two days this week, but I'll try to
put a full day in on it.

} gone into beta1 so you should see an easier install.  We have not yet
} tested it one Solaris, but the biggest portability problems should have
} been solved on an earlier version, so I don't think it will be a big
} problem.

     We have an old Sun 3/160 which was donated to us.  It currently
has SunOS 4.0.3 on it.  I plan on installing NetBSD on it.  Have you
done any recent tests with any version of BSD UNIX?

} >      The second thing is do you have anything to aid in converting
} > from freeport to CSuite?  One of the guys here has written a PERL
} I'm afraid that we have nothing to aid in the conversion.  However, we
} definitely want both Freeport conversion aids and NIS+ (maybe) --

     Okay, I guess that will be my next task after getting the basic
system operational.  I'm pretty sure you will want NIS+ at some point.

} >      The final concern (at the moment) is VCN's.  How far along is the
} > stuff that comes with CSuite?  If not, can I get precise details on
} VCN's are part way.  We use virtual IP addresses, virtual telnet service,
} [snip]
} currently).  If you work on it before we do, we would like to work closely
} with you -- I would advise some time with non-VCN CSuite first.

     I will have to VCN's pretty much as soon as I have an operational
system, but I will get into it more later.

} We are even prepared to work toward the situation where outside workers
} have access to our CVS repository.

     This would be good.

     What version of Lynx are you currently using?  If it's not 2.6,
we'll probably be looking at integrating it.

}-- End of excerpt from David Trueman

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