CSuite and VCN's

Date: Fri, 21 Feb 1997 17:06:33 -0400
From: David Trueman <david@cs.dal.ca>
To: John Nemeth <jnemeth@cue.bc.ca>
cc: csuite-tech@chebucto.ns.ca
Precedence: bulk

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I just got Gary's note and found this message buried.  Please send to
csuite-tech in the future --even if I still have to answer, I'll have
others bugging me -- "did you answer that guy from Victoria yet?"

On Thu, 13 Feb 1997, John Nemeth wrote:

>      Hi David.  I'm one of the sys admin's for the Victoria
> Telecommunity Network, and am doing the bulk of the work of switching
> to CSuite.  I've been reading everything about it that I could find on
> your website.  We have alpha 4.1.  We are running under Solaris 2.5,
> and using NIS+.  I see that alpha 5 is out for Linux, and that there
> is talk about beta 1 (plus release 1.0).  The first thing I would be
> wondering is if I would be better off getting a later version (I
> haven't really done anything yet with the version we have, but must
> start pretty much right away)?  I do realise that I will have to
> modify everything that deals with /etc/passwd to work with NIS+.  If I
> should get a later version, then how?  I have joined the csuite-dev
> list.

We are hot on the heals of beta 1 which we hope to get on Monday or within
a coupel of days of that -- it is definitely worth waiting for.  If you
can't wait until Monday, let me know and I will get you the current dist.

A lot of testing, refinement and a modest amount of new documentation has
gone into beta1 so you should see an easier install.  We have not yet
tested it one Solaris, but the biggest portability problems should have
been solved on an earlier version, so I don't think it will be a big

>      The second thing is do you have anything to aid in converting
> from freeport to CSuite?  One of the guys here has written a PERL
> script that inputs freeport menus and spits out HTML pages, so we have
> that covered.  The primary thing I'm looking at right now is
> converting our user's accounts.  We need to create the dummy webpages,
> import the accounts into the various databases (quota, forwarding
> logs, user, etc).  And do anything else that is needed.  If not, then
> I will probably look at doing something using the account creation
> scripts.

I'm afraid that we have nothing to aid in the conversion.  However, we
definitely want both Freeport conversion aids and NIS+ (maybe) --
your work will be valuable to us and if we have money at that point we
can even pay real dollars for it.

>      The final concern (at the moment) is VCN's.  How far along is the
> stuff that comes with CSuite?  If not, can I get precise details on
> how it is implemented, so that I can produce something compatible (I
> could do the whole thing from scratch myself, but I want something
> compatible).  Also, we are in the process of changing our domain name
> (you know what that entails), so I like the idea of setting up the
> main server as a VCN, and letting users choose the return address.

VCN's are part way.  We use virtual IP addresses, virtual telnet service,
virtual web service.  Incoming and outgoing mail using the virtual host is
also working, based on Zmailer.  We do not have our set of 200 scripts
fully supporting the division, though.  Right now it is good for a VCN
that wants to be administratively dependent (which is most of them to
start) but needs more work to enable independence.  VCN support will get
higher priority as soon as we get 1.0 out the door (scheduled for March 21
currently).  If you work on it before we do, we would like to work closely
with you -- I would advise some time with non-VCN CSuite first.

We are even prepared to work toward the situation where outside workers
have access to our CVS repository.

  David Trueman,
    Systems Manager, Dalhousie Math, Stats and Computing Science
    Technical Chair, Chebucto Community Net

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