zmailer upgrades...

Date: Sat, 19 Jun 1999 00:54:53 -0300 (ADT)
From: "David L. Potter" <>
cc: John Nemeth <>
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Return-Path: <>

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Hi everyone...

Unhappily, the urgency/desperation will likely come in the form of a
CSuite site suddenly being blacklisted by ORBS because the (CSuite) site
permits mail relaying. We were on the blacklist for about 4-5 days (over a
weekend) before it really started to impact on our users... outgoing mail
being blocked by some sites because our name had made it into their
blacklist database.

ORBS is testing for a couple of (esoteric?) relaying cases that at
that time (a week or so ago) zmailer was still allowing. 


So you're wondering if your site allows relaying...? 

If it's using any zmailer version except the latest IT DOES. If you're
wondering if you should have ORBS check to confirm this YOU SHOULDN'T.
You'll be on the blacklist so fast your users heads will spin. And I
should point out that passing the Sam Spade and related tests in no way
suggests that you'll pass the ORBS test. It looks like we may have
been tested at the request of one of our own users... ;-)

For the brave of heart... ;-)


Chebucto has made several changes to the standard CSuite 1.0
zmailer/majordomo configuration to reduce the number of customizations
we need to make to the zmailer distribution. This makes it easier to
upgrade zmailer and as the spammer - anti-spammer war escalates the
ability to upgrade to the latest version is likely to become more and more

Our new majordomo configuration now uses standard zmailer aliases for the
list-owner, list-approval, etc.. We've made associated changes to the
mailing list creation scripts and as part of our changes we converted
all our old majordomo aliases to zmailer aliases... 

Unfortunately we haven't (yet) upgraded the 'mailing list update' script 
yet. (I've been changing the list-owner aliases, etc. manually (using root
privileges to edit the aliase file))


At this moment it's unclear (to me at least) whether:

- we'll apply the CSuite 1.0 customization/patches to a new version of
zmailer (short term solution and probably easiest for a CSuite site to
install..?) or whether...

- we'll put together the necessary information/tools to upgrade existing
sites to the current Chebucto zmailer/majordomo configuration. This will
likely be part of CSuite 1.1 and may be more manageable as part of a
general upgrade CSuite....(?) 

We probably need (assuming it's available) a few days for csuite-tech to
discuss/decide which is the better path...

The ORBS service notifies root/postmaster at all tested/non-conforming
sites... any CSuite sites so notified should let us know immediately...


david potter

On Fri, 18 Jun 1999, John Nemeth wrote:

> On May 28,  2:08pm, "David L. Potter" wrote:
> } 
> } Anyone who is using zmailershould start thinking abou upgrading. There
> } are problems associated with relaying that are currently being worked on
> } and which should be out within a day or two.
>      As I understand it, the version of zmailer supplied with CSuite is
> heavily customised.  Dropping in the standard distribution will most
> likely break mailing lists.  Unless somebody is desperate for an
> upgrade, they should wait for a member of the development team to port
> the latest version.  This should happen in about a month.
> }-- End of excerpt from "David L. Potter"

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