CSuite Workshop Notes 19971119

Date: Mon, 24 Nov 1997 13:09:24 -0400 (AST)
From: Edward Dyer <aa146@chebucto.ns.ca>
To: CSuite Development List <csuite-dev@chebucto.ns.ca>
Return-Path: <csuite-dev-owner@chebucto.ns.ca>

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   CSuite - Community Networking System
                CSuite Development Workshop - November 19, 1997
   November 12, 1997-Previous Next-November 26, 1997 Return to
   Workshop Index

     * Upstream ISP change
     * Report Tracking System
     * New Server
     * .forward Reliability Problem

Upstream ISP change

   ISINet, the Nova Scotia consortium providing Internet access for
   CCN, universities, and certain other organizations, is switching
   its ISP contract to MT&T. Expected transfer date is November 24.
   Editor's Note: CCN changeover completed November 20, with some
   interruption the following day due to router reconfiguration. 
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Report Tracking System

   Chris Travers is preparing a system of automated reports from the
   RTS system. 
   Carrie Gates is continuing to work on RTS bugs and features. 
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New Server

   Plans were made for another try at full installation on CCN's new
   server. Carrie Gates will assemble a team to meet on Saturday. 
Steps are: 
    1. Solaris
    2. Solaris diffs
    3. Use CSuite 1.0 -
          + break install after unpacking
          + apply diffs
          + continue install
   Once installed,
     * set up some test accounts
     * NFS mount CCN info tree and test httpd
     * modify "g(o who" to consolidate who lists from multiple
     * decision time for new modems, by December 8: 
          + roll out new lines with new server, goal Jan 1. 
          + new modem pool with new number
          + terminal server or equiv. 
     * password system
   It was proposed that we discuss the possibility of hiring someone
   to drive the new server effort, working on refining and testing
   the system, adding the modems etc. 
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.forward Reliability Problem

   It was discussed that the mail system was ignoring the .forward
   file occasionally. Various users seem to average about one
   message per month placed in the original mailbox instead of being
   No explanation was reached. 
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CSuite Workshop Mailing List csuite-dev@chebucto.ns.ca List Archive
           Editorial comments to aa146@chebucto.ns.ca Ed Dyer
         Workshop Coordinator djm@chebucto.ns.ca David J Murdoch
             November 12, 1997-Previous Next-November 26, 1997
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