CSuite Workshop Notes: 1997 June 18

Date: Mon, 23 Jun 1997 18:07:09 -0300
From: Edward Dyer <aa146@chebucto.ns.ca>
To: CSuite Development List <csuite-dev@chebucto.ns.ca>

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Notes from June 18, 1997 CSuite Workshop.  COMMENTS on the revised format
welcomed from graphical browser users.  Also, of course, comments from
anyone on the content :)  See http://

                        CSuite Workshop - June 18, 1997
   June 11, 1997-Previous Next-June 25, 1997 Return to CSuite Workshop

     * CSuite Progress
     * CCN Upgrade
     * Summer Students and Other Developments
CSuite Progress

   Bugs continue to be swatted, as we near completion of 1.0 Beta 2
   Andrew will prepare a prioritized list of documents that need revision
   and update.
   James will prioritize the Bug List and finalize it with David Trueman.
   Generally bugs first, robustness second but not forgotten.
   Andrew will collect and prioritize a list of CCN Issues. Input from
   the affected committees will be needed.
   Where documentation can be expected to change soon, or is not yet
   ready in both languages, we will put in links to documents at
   Chebucto, rather than include incomplete or out-of-date documents in
   the distribution.
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CCN Upgrade

   New plans for CCN upgrade
        Ultra-Sparc server for www.chebucto.ns.ca
                Running CSuite 1.0 / Solaris
                The easiest part of the load to shift :-)
                Then move mail
                Fund-raise for next phase
        New modems and additional disk space
                Run two servers in "parallel"
                Allow dial-in to some users
                Shared files between old and new systems
                Test CSuite 1.0 Solaris under active load
        Migrate some more modems and some disks to new server
                Temporarily, to allow software upgrade to old host
                Performance will be reduced while old host is off-line
        Upgrade old host to Solaris, CSuite 1.0
                Probably a couple of days
                Some testing will be needed
        Split load between two systems
                Load balancing will be a fine art :-)
                Final configuration will depend on performance
   We plan to have the upgrade as the main topic for next meeting.
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Summer Students and Other Developments

   David Murdoch reported on a number of issues which will have an impact
   over the summer.
     * A new CSuite site will be established at Truro. This will be
       established as a test site, and the strategy is that they will
       learn about CSuite by installing and configuring it, with our
       help. They will probably run through the set-up process twice, to
       get their volunteers up to speed and to provide us some feedback.
     * We are again participating in the Wired Nova Scotia (WINS) project
       which is being run by the University College of Cape Breton. Brian
       and Phil will participate in this as student workers over the
     * Additional student(s) are being sought to work with the CCN office
       functions. This will build some experience, and provide
       documentation for the office functions, including Blaine's tasks.
     * We are exploring the possibility of a partnership to produce the
       CCN Manual. The Manual needs to be restored to accessibility on
       CCN, and we need to explore better mastering methods.
     * Since we will not likely be able to bring the processing for Disk
       Space Subscription on stream before the upgrade, we are
       considering linking additional quota as an additional "Supporting
       Membership" benefit. This is an important fund-raising
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   CSuite Workshop Mailing List   csuite-dev@chebucto.ns.ca  List Archive
           Editorial comments to   aa146@chebucto.ns.ca  Ed Dyer
         Workshop Coordinator   djm@chebucto.ns.ca  David J Murdoch
                 June 11, 1997-Previous Next-June 25, 1997
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