CSuite Workshop - January 29, 1997

Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 13:09:22 -0400
From: Edward Dyer <aa146@chebucto.ns.ca>
To: csuite-dev@chebucto.ns.ca

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                      CSuite Workshop - January 29, 1997
   Next February 5, 1997
   Previous January 22, 1997
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     * Mailing-List Archives
     * Development in Progress
     * Development Ideas
Mailing-List Archives

   As planned, we began a discussion of the Chebucto Mailing-List
   Archives system.
   The current strategy uses a script as a subscriber to the mailing
   list, which changes to the directory specified, and passes the message
   to a script called arch2html, which indexes the article based on its
   Subject thread, and adds a header and footer which include html links
   to previous and next articles in both chronological order of the list,
   and order in the subject thread as well as a mailto link to the
   writer. End of thread and end of archive are handled. Recently the
   archives have been placed in monthly sections, and often relocated to
   other areas, typically IP areas.
   The IP committee has requested we look at the feasibility of a tool to
   extract inappropriate posts from the archives, and segregate an
   archive into two or more separate archives. Other lists have been
   interested in this from time to time.
  Needs for Archives
     * Generate FAQ
     * Retrieve historical data
     * Overview of activity of a group/list
     * Review correspondence
  Possible Strategies
     * Substitute "Message Deleted" for the body of the Message to be
       removed, leaving the links in place. Need special editing that
       does not reset permissions on "end of thread" items, as it may
       break script.
     * Delete the message and rebuild the indexing.
     * Parse links and bridge them
     * Move deleted items to private archive
     * Have list-moderators bounce messages to archive as appropriate,
       rather than passing every message sent by list.
     * Redo user interface and display, with all this in mind
  Final Question
   How important is this task at this time?
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Development in Progress

          Hit a bug :(
          Will not compile
          Waiting for info from passwd maintainers
          Integrating in distribution
          Dumps core
          David Trueman is working on it :)
          Translation in progress
          Running as main httpd on csuite.chebucto.ns.ca
          Installed on Linux machines
          Not tested
          Note: guest quota is used as "template" for user setup. Since
          guest has no file-saving options, this is not a problem.
          Note: need to document / suggest how to define partition sizes
          so that quotas work effectively
   Start Page
          Seeking input
          Report next week
          Review copies were printed and distributed by Joe Baker and
          Doug Rigby at last week's Internet show. A log of reviewers was
          to be kept.
          Some feedback has been coming in to helpdoc mailing list.
          David Potter will follow up with Tony, Joe and Doug.
   Help Desk
          makesub has been run on the HelpDesk tree, and the documents
          loaded in the repository, so all should be substituted and
          editable by the HelpDoc team.
          David Potter will check for incomplete substitutions and other
   VCN host-names
          The post office has received reports of change in VCN taking
          effect after a long time (12 hours) or never (weeks).
          Explanation unknown.
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Development Ideas

   For Translation
        Registration Scripts
                Provide a language choice option early in process.
                Switch to appropriate language version of Registration
                Set Lynx language preference in user account creation.
   Return to Topic List
   Next Workshop February 5, 1997
   Previous Workshop January 22, 1997
   Return to CSuite Workshop Index
   Submitted by Ed Dyer aa146@chebucto.ns.ca
   Workshop Coordinator David J Murdoch djm@chebucto.ns.ca

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