CSuite Workshop Notes, 1997 01 22

Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 11:36:59 -0400
From: Edward Dyer <aa146@chebucto.ns.ca>
To: csuite-dev@chebucto.ns.ca

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                      CSuite Workshop - January 22, 1997
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     * Change Log
     * Version Mix-ups (RCS)
     * Translation
     * Zmailer and Majordomo
     * Testing
     * Chebucto Manual

   Landon Boyd reported that Change Logs derived from the CVS comments
   can now be viewed at http://csuite.chebucto.ns.ca/CSuite/changes.
   Developers are asked to make their check-in comments useful and
   appropriate for monitoring the status of development, since this page
   is publicly accessible, and will form the basis for the Version
   Release Notes.
   While we're on the subject of CVS and changes, we reviewed the
   check-out/check-in procedure. To checkout the script "shell", for

~$ cvs co -l csuite/bin/shell
      # -l (L) inhibits recursion
      # don't use / before path
~$ cd csuite/bin
~/csuite/bin $ vi shell
      # edit and check as needed
~/csuite/bin $ cvs commit shell
      # verify that changes as reported make sense
      # if you quit here you can abort the commit,
      # to pick up the editing again;
      # cvs also requests your change documentation here

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Version Mix-ups

   With all the changes to update and tupdate, CVS and RCS, we have been
   getting a number of reports that certain users are unable to properly
   edit their pages. In order to reduce the strain on system maintenance,
   a decision has been made ;-) not to keep the special editing
   capabilities of "update" current. To review:
   Users who login with shell use update
          # these are the regular CCN users
          # and most IP editors
   Users who login with tshell use tupdate
          # these are VCN users,
          # most members of CCN-TECH team,
          # most of HelpDoc team, (except for shell prompt users)
          # and a few others.
   Users who login with shell prompt need to set up their environment
          correctly to use tupdate and/or CVS as needed.
          # this includes the development group.
          # some of whom also perform administrative functions.
   The RCS and CVS archives have been relocated, for the bin and Help
   directories. If you work in either of those areas, you must use
   tupdate, or your work will not be archived correctly, and will be
   overwritten if a tupdate user subsequently edits the same files, even
   at a later date. If you work in a bin area or in Help, then arrange to
   be in the correct group!
  Locations of RCS Archives
   Please verify this !
   for Help/x.html
          CVS Repository
          Archived RCS directories
   If your files are not correctly archived, and editing is not working
   correctly, please make sure that the matter is resolved before doing
   further editing, lest your work be lost :(
   The other versions of the RCS directories are available, and can be
   transferred, so please ask if there is a problem in your area.
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   Lynx messages in French in the version on csuite are now approximately
   95% complete. David Trueman gave a Demonstration, using the visiteur
   account, which corresponds to the guest account in English. A new
   password is available for those who would like to test out the new
   French Lynx and French pages.
   Sean Garrigan is about to prepare the translation files for Pine. An
   interesting problem has arisen in regard to licensing, as the
   internationalization scheme we are using is distributed under GNU GPL,
   whereas Pine's licensing is somewhat more confining. A method to keep
   the translation code separate from the Pine sources is being
   developed, that will not drag Pine under the GPL.
   Apache appears to be our best choice for http server for the
   distribution. It supports installable modules for other services. A
   $VOLUNTEER is needed to evaluate requirements for
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Zmailer and Majordomo

   It has been found necessary to include working versions of Zmailer and
   Majordomo in the distribution, as problems have arisen in the standard
   version. Work is continuing.
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   David Murdoch on testing: Andrew and Landon will prepare a document
   from the install notes from last week's annotated installation.
   Test scripts are now in place to check the file browser and IP
   Ispell has been run non-interactively for testing, so a useful test
   will be to run lynx on a portion of the file tree, in traversal mode,
   and run Ispell on the output. Checks for improper substitution, hard
   coded paths, and ccn elements remaining in the distribution will also
   be done.
   More $VOLUNTEERS are needed for writing test scripts, contact David
   Murdoch, djm@chebucto.ns.ca, Testing Manager.
   There are some scripts which will need modification, in not so
          straight-forward ways.
          Where scripts have done an echo that runs over several lines,
          that echo will need to be quoted, and any internal quotes
          Gawk treats our internationalization syntax as legitimate
          input, so a work-around needs to be developed. David T will
          look at internationalizing gawk.
          Where scripts have done a cat on a "shell here document", we
          will need to use a quoted echo.
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Chebucto User Manual

   The Manual has been updated, on the version in Help/guide.html. Ed
   will make a few copies with a feedback request printed on them, broken
   down by chapters, for hand out at the Internet Show to selected
   reviewers, with a log sheet, so that we can collect feedback.
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   Next Workshop January 29, 1997
   Previous Workshop January 15, 1997
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   Submitted by Ed Dyer aa146@chebucto.ns.ca
   Workshop Coordinator David J Murdoch djm@chebucto.ns.ca

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