CSuite Workshop Notes - 1996 10 16

Date: Mon, 21 Oct 1996 21:32:44 -0300
From: David Trueman <david@cs.dal.ca>
To: csuite-dev@chebucto.ns.ca

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[ Apologies for the duplicate posting but this did not make it into the 
archives the first time. ]

                   CSuite Workshop Notes - October 16, 1996

     * PAT Update
     * Distribution Update
     * Development Priorities
     * CSuite Users Manual
     * Suspend Message
     * MBONE demo
PAT Update

   The apache caching http proxy server (discussed last week) is running
   on chebucto.ns.ca so that all net access through the cable system is
   routed through CCN. Since the Cable PAT's are withdrawn from service
   at this time, the only active usage is the router at Prince Arthur
   Junior High, which is reported to be performing adequately, although
   it has not yet been heavily stressed.
[Internet]  ---  [CCN]  -------------  [PA router]
                         |  ISDN
                          -----------  [Discovery Center]

   The Halifax Main Library PAT, which needs to be picked up, will be
   debugged by a team headed by Chris Maxwell and Chris Travers.
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Distribution Update

   Landon Boyd reported that he was successfully using the Concurrent
   Version System (CVS) which he reported on last meeting.
   Porting of the CSuite install to Solaris was proceeding, using
   autoconf, but it appears to need a lot of work.
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Development Priorities

   A discussion on current projects was held, to summarize our current
   status and familiarize the new volunteers with them. The first three
   listed projects will be treated as immediate priorities.
     * #1 disk quota sales
     * #2 Bulk mail - needed for user account creation system, and to
       minimize load of mass mailings on the system. Discussions have
       been held previously on the issues involved, and we need to
       highlight the possible security issues involved. David Benoit
       volunteered, and will present a demo next meeting.
     * #3 Welcome screen: A user would see this screen upon login, with
       the various kinds of information currently displayed on login, as
       well as account status, links to helpdesk and homepage, etc. The
       page would be dynamically generated as needed. This would also
       need to synchronize with a new version of the CCN home page. A
       project to be done by the Editors group and a small team from
       ccnTech. Andrew Dacey volunteered.
     * tshell - an alternate user "shell" controlling access to the
       underlying Unix system. Currently distributed to new sites, and
       used on CCN by all VCN users and Guest access. Offers variable
       length sessions, depending on class of user and tty, and on how
       busy the system is. Do we bring all users up on it? or use it as
       the basis of a new shell that cooperates with the welcome page
       [hence wshell? -ed.]
     * Admin functions
          + Landon Boyd has prepared a user interface for delete-users to
            work with the script that David Trueman prepared.
          + regenerate the all-ip's list. [Editors meeting: needs
            discussion on whether/how to handle bounces -ed]
     * IP Functions
          + better URL STATS (sites, configurable parameters)
          + Update: (on-line editor script) end edit with form providing
               o Public Comment ---> Recent Updates listing
               o Private Comment ---> RCS log
          + Notify button [name subject to change] reaches form to
            subscribe/unsubscribe from mail list advising updates in an
            IP area (subtree) (Recent Updates to be scanned for matching
            items on a daily basis.)
          + Unzip - build script to make the unzip functionality
          + group-editor - almost ready
     * update mail-list archive methods
     * Discussion forums - explore available web-based discussion groups,
       e.g. net-threads
     * Pine 3.95
     * pre-sold memberships
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CSuite Users Manual

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Suspend Message

   Complaints have led us to expand the content of the suspend message
   which is generated by the automatic renewal notice system, to include
   more information about how to renew. David Trueman will make this
   Suggestions were heard that suspended accounts be given essentially
   guest access privilege, and landed in the renewal page area upon
   Alternatively, with the Welcome page, we could invoke display of the
   message based on only the date parameters in the file.
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MBONE demo

   Trent presented a demo of mbone, a system for displaying audio and
   video in real-time over the net (without using excessive resources).
   We want to consider this as a way of expanding the CSuite Workshops to
   include other CSuite sites in live discussion and demos.
   Return to Topic List
   Next Workshop October 23, 1996
   Previous Workshop October 9, 1996
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   Submitted by Ed Dyer aa146
   Workshop Coordinator David J Murdoch djm
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Ed Dyer aa146@chebucto.ns.ca   (902) H 826-7496  CCN  Assistant Postmaster
http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/~aa146/    W 426-4894  CSuite Technical Workshop
Religion Page Editor, Chebucto Community Network http://www.chebucto.ns.ca

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